i used to live in an old two bedroom terrance how ,at the time my daughter was 13 and my son was 3 years old ,he was in my room watching me have fits throught the nite in which it scared him so bad,so i ended up sleeping downstairs,so i had a boy and girl ,so i was entiled to a 3 bedroom house as the age limit is 11 years upwardsif u have a son and daughter my did sleep in my daughters room but he used to wake her int he night, so there fore so could not wake up 4 school,reason i had to put my son in my bedroom i have a lot of medical problem,so on the grounds of getting a 3 bed house councill came to insept my 2 bed house told me im fine it get sleep up to 8 people i was gobsmacked there were no houses going told i would to wait 4 years even with a docs letter , i suffered very bad with all this giving me stress my neighbours drank all day ,so bascially i fitted evrything to get a 3 bed house didnt get 1 i moved out to rent private then u have to look urself,it took ten weeks from finding somewhere and finding a landladie/lord to take on housing benifit,then ur bond.