Hmm, we go to his mums every Friday evening, if we cant make Friday then we fgo Saturday, normally to his sisters on a Sunday and sometimes also go for dinner at either one during the week.
I ring my Ma-in-law twice a day and see her nearly every day. She is 86 and still is bright as a button and lives alone and is very independent. She moved to Isle of Man when she was 82 and says it saved her life!! Both my parents died in the last 2 1/2 years and so we feel very lucky to still have her.
I was in M&S the other day and an elderly gentleman asked if could have a word with the sales assistant who was serving me ,. It was her dad and it made me tear up cos I miss my dad so much. ( big wuss that I am )
Not often really,mainly because I am housebound and my oh's parents are both elderly and infirm.They are lovely people though and its a shame I don't get to see them more often.
Very rarely...I used to encourage my hubbie to see his Mum because he's useless at getting round to it but I like the woman less and less so don't bother anymore. Means they hardly see each other.
His mum and sister pop in for an hour on xmas day and keep their coats on. Apart from that they don't acknowledge me or my daughter at all. Apparently we are invited for dinner regularly but only on the night I work late and my daughter sees her dad, husband goes alone. They hate me - can you tell? :)