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Jemisa | 22:33 Wed 16th Jun 2010 | Family & Relationships
20 Answers
I'm taking the grandaughters down to the beach tomorrow and we'll build sandcastles and have icecream, candyfloss, fish and chips. lemonade, and they love it because their mum doesn't allow them to have it (bad for them) she means well but I'm labelled naughty nanny.

Now to you am I a naughty nanny or a nice nanny?? (Iwon't be offended)



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Naughty Nanny! Fish and chips BEFORE ice cream and candyfloss.
Nice nanny. All these things are nice once in a while as treats. And we all need treats don't we otherwise what's the point. Have a nice day tomorrow. It's been lovely here today but so cold this evening!!
Where you at lottie?its still warmish here
you're a proper nan....dont forget to send 'em home with a stick of rock EACH !
According to my niece (aged 6) I am a Silly Auntie. She also said that she loved me the other night - don't think anybody has ever said that to me before.
North Norfolk and there's a north wind blowing. It's been lovely in the sunshine but the wind is freezing and tonight it's really cold. We usually get a south west prevailing wind at this time of the year. I've been wearing a sweater all day!!
yep cardigan for me loftie. Id say a fun nanna but i would give kids fizzy drink unless its a lemonade float
I'll be coming past you on Friday 4get. I'll look for the flag! Going to the water gardens. Hope it gets warmer!!
yer saw post earlier. Flag went, i got told to take it down. Check out my post from yesterday.
My internet connection went down just after I posted about that before and I didn't think it had shown up. When I went to look the thread had benn removed!
Just read about your flag 4get. Red does have a point and I would hate to see the pikies taking over your nice new houses. Was it a huge flag though. Did it cover the whole roof or something or was it a nice discrete and tasteful little flag? ;o)
Jemisa - lovely nanny - kids need treats now and then - my kids only have my Mum now and she is not nearby so I have no problem with her spoiling them. I also enjoy giving them treats as they don't have nanny around - kids are smart enough to know the difference between every day and special days. Hope you have a good day.

Wolf - that's lovely, treasure those moments, I am sure your neice will grow into a lovely young lady - I'm sure that your cats tell you they love you all the time, you just don't speak cat!
I would love you if you were my nanny!
Nice nanny. Your grandaughters will have lovely memories of your times together.
Definitely nice nanny. Every day it would ne a bit much, but as it's a special time with you, your grand-daughters will appreciate it and you.
i didn;t think you were old enough to be a nanny
Definitely a 'nice Nanny' That's just what I would do! Have a great day and above all, let them enjoy those treats! xx
loftie it was a medium flag hanging down from the roof
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Mccfluff - How nice of you to say, but one can be a nanny at 36 these days but I'm a bit older than that just a bit (laughs behind hand!!)

I would deffo say 'nice nanny'!! my kids get spoilt rotten by my Mum & I wouldn't have it any other way, that's what Nanies are for! Hope you have a lovely day x

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