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lauragreen1 | 13:42 Mon 05th Jul 2010 | Family & Relationships
8 Answers
hiya. i am due to get steralised on august 14th and wanted to no what kind of pain/discomfort anyone has felt after this?


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Nothing much really,except my wound got infected!
Your doctor or consultant really ought to go into all this with you, give you a fact sheet and so on.
Why not let the man have it done instead?
Think laura has made her decision some time ago
I understood it was easier, and even reversable for the man, which was why I said it, but if you are quite sure then that is different I suppose.
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thanks for your answers. My doctor gave me a sheet of paper but it was mainly answering questions on what your sex life will be like after and the pros and cons of having it done, that sort of stuff x
had my op 2 years ago now it just feels like the worst period pain you have ever had for around 2/3 days taken plenty of paracetamal and you will be ok
some blood loss just like a normal period really, but you should feel yourself within 7-10 days but that is my experience its different i would imagine foir others
i was sterlised 27 years ago tiny cut by belly button and tiny one just above hairline.hardly any pain when i woke them days you were kept in hospital for 2 days after.but my friend had it done 10 years after me and she was in and out the same day. i had no problems at all.

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