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TTG - he has gone to Judo since he was 7, he is also the tallest boy in the class - that hasn't made a blind bit of difference as they used to gang up on him. Being bulied totally knocked what confidence he had, he has always been quiet, but happy and able to speak to adults etc. not any more unfortunately.
At the meeting we had with the school, they asked if he had any outside interests - I think they thought we kept him penned in the house! He goes to cubs, judo, art and swimming - he is a very good swimmer. He has also gone to football and rugby and tried loads of other stuff - he has also climbed a few munros. Everything he goes to though they have noticed a change in his personalty to be quite withdrawn although he always participates.
wyzard - that's not something i have ever considered. I may yet! to be fair, as one of the boys who was bullying him has moved away, it does seem to have split the group up and there doesn't seem to have been any incidents for a while. Long may that continue. It's just his confidence and self esteem that need rebuilding but it is difficult to do that in isolation. I personally feel that he is a little better - we get the odd conversation from him and he does seem to be showing some affection to the cat, so there is some happy emotion in there. He hasn't asked to sleep in our bed for a good while (although he has persuaded his little brother to sleep in his room a couple of times).