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What would you do for your mum on Mother's day without spending any money?

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Pennyblog | 16:58 Thu 17th Mar 2011 | Family & Relationships
62 Answers
Please give suggestions of what you'd do for your mum on Mother's day without spending money, the more creative the better, thanks!


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give her some vouchers for your time. To be spent when she needs a hand with housework, gardening etc.

Go for a walk together, or go window shopping.
17:00 Thu 17th Mar 2011
i'll send her a card, and ring, just me remembering means a lot to my mum as my brother never does. if i was to send her flowers she's be annoyed cos i wasted my money, i would like to have to cash to be able to go visit but i haven't. i'll also be posting on my memorial wall for my sister as will her kids x
The kindest thing you can give your mum (or any loved one) is your time. That will mean more to her than monetary gestures.
Print out lots of photos and make a collage of all the happy times you and you mum have shared. I bet there will be some moments she has forgotten about this will remind her and make her smile. Free as long as you have access to a printer!
I agree Mrs C. My Mum has demetia and is in a home. I spend every Monday with her, take her for a walk in her wheelchair and kiss her lots and stroke her hair. She doesn't know much but she knows I'm there, for that moment. Always make time for your Mum x
CAJ what a wonderful idea
I will just think of my Mum, probably look at some old photos. She will always be in my thoughts, even as she is no longer with us. You have had some good suggestions of free things you can do to make her day.
That's lovely of you, mazie.

When my mum was alive I was always busy ... too busy to spend any proper quality time with her. It was only after she died that I realised how little time I'd actually spent with her.

If only one could turn back the clock ...
I often think of the silliest of things, as a little girl with very long hair, she plaited it or put rags in it for ringlets or when I had to have the dreaded 'dickie' comb raked through it each Sunday night,
fond memories
I think so too bobbi :) my mum would have been a lucky lady if she had stuck around!
has your BF got a nice mum CAJ?
That's what I think Mrs C everytime I see her, I think maybe I wont have her next week.. Although she has dementia she still has a wicked sense of humour and still puffs on her fags as I push her round the park and gardens.. You gotta love em x
aww mazie, Bless her, she sounds delighful
She can be Bobbi...the staff love her but she can be a bit of a bugger. My Sis arrives from NZ on Monday to visit her and I can't wait
Yes, she is nice on good days, hard to connect with though as she has a bit of a learning disability/something not quite right with her. Sometimes she shouts at us and says things she doesn't mean and sometimes she exaggerates things for attention.
^^^What Bobbi said. x
I'm going to make up a photo book for my mum. It was going to be lots of pics of my daughter (my mum's only grandchild), but now I'm swithering whether or not to make it pics of her cat that she had to have put to sleep yesterday. I'll spend some time with her too - she only lives round the corner so I see her all the time. Oh, and it's her birthday on mother's day too so I'll need to think of something else as well.
lots of lovely reasons Karen x
CAJ could she act a a replacement for your mum?
I only say this as it appears you mum left you?
I 'll adopt you love :-)
I would be closer to his granny and aunty bobbi
You guessed right :)
No probs, you can adopt me :)
right we will get the papers soon,,lol
still not long before you have your very own family when you marry that lad of yours, my friend is in the same position as you and I hate to see how hurt she gets on Mothers Day, it breaks my heart
The opportunity to give her a hug would be enough, saddly I wont get that anymore :-(

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