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Do maternity services in England lack the quality of care required?

It has been claimed maternity services in England lack the quality of care required for new mothers and babies. Do you agree?

Results ★

Yes, I have had a bad experience or know someone who has had a bad experience with the maternity services.
Couldn't comment, I have never used UK maternity services
No, I have had a good experience or know someone who has had a good experience with maternity services

It has been claimed maternity services in England lack the quality of care required for new mothers and babies. Do you agree?

Total: 571
A.Yes, I have had a bad experience or know someone who has had a bad experience with the maternity services.37.65 %215
B.Couldn't comment, I have never used UK maternity services34.50 %197
C.No, I have had a good experience or know someone who has had a good experience with maternity services 27.85 %159
Stats until: 06:50 Sun 22nd Dec 2024 (Refreshed every 5 minutes)