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Any Dubonnet drinkers?

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woofgang | 18:29 Tue 21st Jun 2011 | Drinks
1438 Answers
I have been a Dubonnet fan since i could legally drink nearly 40 years ago. I bought a bottle recently and it definitely tastes and smell different and not for the better. it me or have they changed it?


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Robi, I get those zigzag lines down one side, I didn't know it was

migraine, I usually feel sick and shaky after but it only ever lasts 20 mins. I eat choc, crisps and cola and it goes, oh scary. And I had it on Friday morning, haven't had one for ages either. Also I now definitely have tinnititis (sp) I used to call it mash potato noise but it's a defintite ringing now, hate it!.. I can usually avoid it but at night I listen to it and it drives me crazy! I turn the tv up loud!

Sorry about the gap, no idea!

Robi hope you are feeling better today.

Also hope lottie is feeling better, I assume it is her health again!
Yes neti, the correct name is ocular migraine and mine last about 20 mins. It makes me shaky too and very irritable. I was just getting dressed when it happened today and I got really mad 'cos I couldn't see properly to get my pants on, I kept missing the right leg...I was worried I might collapse naked, lol. Just got a bit of a dull ache and tinnitus on the right side at the moment.
Hope you don't get them when you're driving...are you sure it's not ya paisley leggings sparking them off?

ducks and runs
I can't drive when having one of them, and it fact prefer not to drive after!

Paisley leggings? moi? not likely. Now leopardskin is another matter!!
Have to say we were a jolly lot and mixed freely with lesser Abers.
Hello all
And yoohoo Jno .I'm glad you are Ok .
Sorry to hear you don't feel well Robinia .Hope things soon settle down .
After two very long convos with Danny in Timbuktu I seem to have an internet connection again .Something to do with the wireless thing not talking to the machine.After unplugging a plug and plugging it somewhere else it's going .
We had some very sad news this morning .Friend of ours in Germany ,he's a widower,lost his wife to cancer not all that long ago and now his only son has died of a heart attack .Only 44.Tragic .
Take care Biddies xx
Oh shaney, that's terrible, poor man. I know someone who had almost the same happen, except a daughter, not a son, and all within 6 months. I don't know how they cope. I hope your friend has lots of support.

neti have you been trawling through our dusty archives 'The early years'? haha. Some old names on there, I loved linda's avatar and I hope Cetti's ok. I see we weren't everyone's cup of tea....bovvered, lol....we could have done with some moderators back then, there was some awful stirring. The Ed loved us, I wonder how she's doing and whether the snowman's nose is still buzzin? :)
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Hello all, we are caught up on sleep. Dire weather here, much too much rain. Shaney I am so sorry. Parents shouldn't outlive their children. Robi i hope you feel better soon. Stinking weather. We still are a jolly lot and mix freely with AB'ers, I think we went into hiding when our threads started to be trolled. I think we will stay home today. The garden is awash and there are flooded road warnings round here. I cleaned the floor on friday and you'd think it had never been done heigh ho.
Shaney that is so sad, only 44yrs way too young.

Have all been out locally for lunch just he cheap common and garden one today,bread and alioli, bottle of red wine and fizzy lemonade, prawn salad, or mixed entremesas (dif sort of sausage, cheese ham etc) then hija had pepper steak and Mr N and I had oven baked shoulder of lamb, so big and so delicious, the spanish have a delightful way of cooking these things. Then tiramisu, blackcurrant cheesecake and icecream to finish, am absolutely stuffes, even brought half of my shoulder of lamb home!Mr N still struggling with his cold, hija struggling with hangover (she didn't want to come out, but it was that or no food!) and I am feeling so tired, could hardly walk home!! Saw one of my spanish exes in the restaurant and I look 1,000,000 better than his wife, so that bucked me up a bit!!! (ok ok she is more than likely 1m times nicer than me!)

Back in bed now watching rubbish on teevee. It is really dark and cold here today!
Have just woken up from my wine-induced siesta. Nothing on TV. and still chilly and very blowy outside!
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cold wet and mizz here. :-(
Blinking heck Jno so far away! My niece is in Hamilton. I miss her so much she has been there 20 years. I've only seen her daughter on about 4 trips to England and she is 14.
Hope you're feeling better Robi. I had funny flashes in my eyes once and the Dr. said it was a form of migraine but I really don''t get it often.
Sorry to hear about your friend Shaney. No parent should out-live their child. And to lose your partner as well awful How do you cope with something like that.
I've a funny ear at the mo and I'm having a few days of Olive Oil treatment and then it'll be a trip to the nurse for an unbunging session if it isn't cleared.
I also have a microwave oven problem. I bought a new one today and it says observation window. I thought that meant when your food is cooking you can see what is happening through the glass but on this one your can't so I think that means a trip back to the shop to get my money back.
My goodness Neti all those years ago as the Biddies. Great isn't it that we've kept in touch all this time.
That's about my Sunday over with. (I typed Sinday then - another Freudian slip or wishful thinking - take your pick) I'm going to have a lovely lounge in a lovely soapy bath.
Oight oight Biddyfriends and thanks for putting up with me for the last 6?7 years.
See yer later 'gater(s)
Sorry I missed you out Woofy. You keep warm and snug too with your lovely pets.
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s'okay jude. we all pop in and out. Dogs are exhausted tonight and the forecast for tomorrow is ice and fog so we are going to sleep properly tonight and go in search of hamburgers tomorrow.
Hi jude, I would like a sinday, my life is very normal at the moment. Am watching The lady vanishes, am quite enjoying it.
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am watching The Queen and videoing TLV....sorry but the docu is a bit.....well....dull. Nothing new.
Guess who's downstairs making herself a cuppa weak tea. That's my thing when I can't sleep. Don't have anything much on my mind so I probably don't need any...!
Hope you're all tucked up nice and warm. I've looked out of the window and it's freezing a bit by the look of my car.
Hospital in the morning to see Carlos about my fingers.
Then taking this useless Microwave back...Laters 'gaters. Should really be Earliers! shouldn't it!
Good morning all.

Jude wandering the hallowed halls at an unearthly hour. Am I the only one who never gets up to make a drink when I can't sleep? I just lay here and worry, even Mr N gets up most nights.

Seems we had a rain storm last night but I heard nothing.
Morning each, very foggy start...possible snow later :(
I'm the same as you neti, I never get up if I can't sleep (except for a tiddle), I just lay there thinking.

I watched The Lady was about a biddy who restores old furniture....sorry, couldn't resist. :) It was really good. I just couldn't watch yet one more documentary about the Queen, we know all we're ever going to know while she's still alive.

Jude I can't imagine a m-wave without a sure it's not a toaster? lol ....erm, I don't want to insult your intelligence bit there isn't a cover over the glass is there? I had something once and I thought the control pad was a bit fuzzy...until Tarquin came in a whipped a plastic cover off it, lol.
Morning all
It's cold and dull.Same old weather and doesn't look as if there is anything different for a while yet .
Yes ,very sad about our friends son .He had a very stressful job which possibly contributed to it .I've known him since he was a little boy .He was married but no children which I suppose is a blessing in disguise ..but still .

Hope you are all OK this morning though.I'm going to totter to the library and get a few things at the shops .
I read through that old thread Neti...haha ..those were the days .

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