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Any Dubonnet drinkers?

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woofgang | 18:29 Tue 21st Jun 2011 | Drinks
1438 Answers
I have been a Dubonnet fan since i could legally drink nearly 40 years ago. I bought a bottle recently and it definitely tastes and smell different and not for the better. it me or have they changed it?


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I can't watch that again, so sad and so beautiful

An absolutely gorgeous day here, wish all my biddie mates could enjoy it with me. Hija is frollicking topless on a small beach (Cala Salada) on the north of the island with her friends, and Mr N and I went around the isla and filled up our drinking water bottles, then had a relaxed drink in the open rabbitting to a parrot who copied the noises I made , then a lovely entrecote steak and goats cheese salad, vienetta and a bottle of Blanc Pescador wine, really really enjoyed it. Have asked Mr N to get pool up and running, it is so necessary!
Didn't go outside it keeps spitting with rain. I'm not surprised your fence has blown down Jude, this wind is wild! Good thing it's's coming up from the south, I'm sure I just saw some shitehawks carrying cornish pasties whizzing over. Hope you get it fixed, you don't want all and sundry seeing your smalls on the line.

Neti your life does sound rather nice sometimes...when you're not in frenzy over your daughter or Spanish red tape.
I am getting tired of coughing. It's no good seeing a doctor, he'll just ask if it's dry or "productive" and look confused when I say "both". At least it is just the EU phlegm mountain lodged in my sinuses, I don't want it going south and giving me pewmonia again.

Jude, we had fence panels blown down a few years back - not open to the sttreet, just to Fox Heaven in the jungle next door. Very irritiating, I hope you get it sorted out.

My compliments to other ailing biddies, and to those planning to fill up their pools.
I don't know what it is with all these things that hang on for weeks jno, I had that sinussy thing recently and it still comes back now and then. As is obvious I put off going to the doctor with anything. Try buttercup syrup, it's as good as anything... you could probably put it on your pancakes.
It's bright sunshine here with a gentle breeze .Very balmy in the sun but chilly up the lokes .
We don't want any gales whooshing over from Derbys ,thank you :)
Oh dear Jno ..I had the cough of the century last year which went on for ages. Nothing shifted it ,even antibiotics .Have you tried sipping some hot water and honey.

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jno have you tried sterimar nasal spray? excellent for clearing snot and soothing on the sinusses.
I am actually feeling fairly human again and we have sunshine. Both the tortoises have eaten which is a result since they have only been up since thursday. I suspect that the cold of the millennium that i had before christmas (first one for 3 years) topped up my resistance again as i seem to be shaking this one fairly quickly.
I have roast rib of beef for dinner, so do the dogs, they are doing the bisto kid act in the kitchen.
Talking of old telly, when I was helping godson with his bed, I said to him something about "Doing a Barry Bucknell" He gave me the "look" that says "I have no idea what you are on about"
I often find myself saying 'ooh, get you Barry Bucknell' (or Percy Thrower...or even Evadne Price, haha)
"Barry Bucknall"? even I do not have a clue.

And do not let's start on neti pots, thank you! Mum used to say about swanky women in fur coats and no knickers..
"She thinks she's Lady Docker "

Don't you remember him Neti ?
He turned plywood into an art form :)
Neti I can't believe you don't remember the man responsible for everyone turning their houses into a hardboard hell....

My mum used to say that too shaney...haha
everytime you boiled a kettle it buckled....hahaha, that must be how he got his name
Ah, we were not telly addicts until 1960! And Dad did the disempering and tailoring but don't remember him doing DIY, He had enough doing the veg garden and orchard, the tennis court and the posh front rose garden. No there wasn't much hammering and banging going on.
I remember Lady Docker, and we used to say "Red hat no drawers!"
I remember Lady docker and Barry but who the dickens is Evadne Price.
Haven't heard a dicky bird from Steady re: fence. Looks like a do-it-yourself job again.
Yes Neti R.H.N.D. that's what my family used to say.
I'm gpoign to say oight oight now so Have a good one all of you and I hope your sniffs, snuffles and coughs and colds have gone by tomorrow.
See yer later 'gaters
sitting here sipping honey ginger and lemon (and hot water), a long way from Dubonnet! But this started out as a summer thread. Woofgang, I have tried a couple of nose sprays, though not that one; they were good at turning back the tide when it was in full flow but haven't reached whatever sludge chamber of my throat it's all piling up in. Hopefully it'll get up and go shortly.

But we have guests coming for a couple of weeks and sleeping in the spare bedroom, which means I will have to sleep in the main room with OH, which I have been avoiding doing because I am coughing so much. I may have to rush out and buy some sort of inflatable bed and sleep in the spare spare room so I won't wake anyone :-(
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Oh sterimar is the stuff for sludge chambers, its sterile filtered sea water, like a nasal pressure washer lol. The thought is yucky but its actually ok to use and very soothing if the sinus is sore or inflamed. Its used a lot after nasal surgery to sooth and speed healing.
The roast beef was lovely and there's enough left to slow cook in some barbecue sauce for tomorrow. Dogs are asleep, tortoises are asleep, its very peaceful here.
okay, I shall uplook
My mum swore by sniffing salt water when she had a cold, I just cannot do it, feels like drowning!

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