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Any Dubonnet drinkers?

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woofgang | 18:29 Tue 21st Jun 2011 | Drinks
1438 Answers
I have been a Dubonnet fan since i could legally drink nearly 40 years ago. I bought a bottle recently and it definitely tastes and smell different and not for the better. it me or have they changed it?


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Eeeek. not spider time again is it, sooo glad I am not there!
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I have more in the winter, i think they like the central heating
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cannot believe this, bloody cold is back again, I am running a temp and chest is filling up.
ooh, woofy, that's no good. A doctor friend tells me this year's model does seem to return just when you think you've seen the back of it. Mine has dwindled to just the occasional cough. Gollee, that reminds me I'm got to have a blood test some time, can't think why I keep forgetting about it.
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I keep telling myself that I have about 4 years backlog of colds to deal with because I didn't have any for so long....
Right woofy, bed for you (not the settee) chicken soup and hot blackcurrant drink, with whatever tablets you need, I'm never sure. Just rest up.

Hi jno, glad you are feeling better.

Hope Robi is feeling better also.

Hope jude has stopped swearing at Derby County (I still giggle at the thought!)

Big hug for shaney and mr s.
well, It's another nice day here but due to plummet to 11 degrees on Friday, so I won't be putting the huskies into hibernation just yet
Oh the shame of it, I decided to actually use polish on my coffee table, but the tin was rusted up so much that I couldn't open it, so I used the tin opener and opened it from the bottom, polish is still OK though, when did I last use it I ask myself, it's a brand I don't even remember!
We are expecting rain today and tomorrow, just when I am in sunbathing mood!
Morning all...lovely and sunny but not sunbathing temperature unless you keep your anorak on.

snap woofy! No that's not one of my legs breaking off, I've got the lousy sinussy catarrh thing back too, grrrr. I was shivery cold all day yesterday. It's so sore behind that flappy bit at the back of my mouth, and what with that and my foot/leg I was kept awake for hours. And then next door's toddler goes into full fat scream at 5am. Pe po bum diddly...Hope we all feel better pdq.
Go get those blood tets done jno, I hate them looming over me like a small black cloud, that's why I went before I went into roundtuit mode.

Can't stop laughing at neti's polish....I'll tell my sister that one, she'll love it. I think we've both got a tin of dried up mansion in the cupboard.
Morning all
Sorry to hear that Woofy.Take it easy.
If it doesn't clear up properly go to doctor .My bro went down with a bang when his cold went to bronchitis .There's a lot of it around .I've got that gaggy sinus/cattarh little or much .This up and down weather doesn't help.
It's quite warm here this morning but overcast .
I'm going to be a good pilgrim and go into town with Mr S .just for a few bits of shopping and a pub lunch .Hooray no cooking .I need to fortify myself with 600mg first though .Take care all ..see you later.
oooh, a pub lunch, have a good time shaney but don't come running to us when you're legless :)
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thank you for the good wishes. Yes I am having a resting day today. Can't go to bed because of letting dogs in and out but am in my jammies.
Having an awful time getting into AB today, keep getting "connection timed out", have to creep in through a shortcut to the AB hotel, nothing else works.

Weather really getting wintry, wind is whipping the trees into frenzies.

Hija has has a phone call, she has to start work manaña at 10am, love it!!
doing roast leg of lamb with trimmings tonight as have a freezer full of them and they need to be eaten and impossible to eat in the heat of the summer.
Haha .. wide and eyed and legless reporting back .
I only had a coffee .But the surf 'n turf was very nice .With new potatoes and salad .Mr S had fish and chips .Went to Savers and Holland Barret then Mr S went home .I had a brief breeze in M&S .Plenty of stuff for short thin people,nothing for tall ..ahem ...well built people.So came home .It was packed in town with grockles and so warm ! Only had a light jacket on and had to take it off .
Pavement cafes full and you couldn't put a pin down round the market where all the seats are .Mind you it is fogeys fortnight as the locals call it .People doddering along who turn into Mo Farrah when the bus comes :)
haha, shaney we have that type of old person here, they spanish oaps who get very discounted holidays and take up all the seats on the buses, which is such a nuisance when we locals have to get to Ibiza town for appointments etc and just cannot get on the buses!
haha, I've just spat my tea at the Mo Farrah comment. could you neti?
it was meant to be this one in particular...look at it's little face
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Its been nice here today too. I am chugging big glasses of ginger and lemongrass cordial cos its nice on the throat.

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