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Jade Garden

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China Doll | 13:55 Thu 19th Oct 2006 | Drinks
2 Answers
Hi All,

I visited a pub/cocktail type bar called The Black Cherry not long a go and they did a cocktail called a Jade Garden which was lovely... now I seem to remember there may have been jasmin in there but I can't remember what else.

Does anyone know how to make a Jade Garden? Or is exclusive to this bar?

China xx


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Hi chinadoll, How about this Jade Garden

50ml gin
25ml fresh lemon juice
10ml elderflower cordial
20ml jasmine tea syrup (brew a pot of jasmine tea and dissolve in an equal quantity of caster sugar)
top with soda water

Shake the first 4 ingredients with ice and strain over more cubed ice in a tall glass and top with soda. Garnish with a lemon zest spiral
Cheers skylight
Question Author
That'd be it. Cheers Skylight.

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Jade Garden

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