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One food you really hate....

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janzman | 19:02 Sun 03rd Apr 2011 | Food & Drink
53 Answers there one food that you really detest?
For me... I hate the taste...I hate the texture...I hate the smell....I hate the look...I hate everything about......... coconut. aaahhh ug.


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Coffee but love coffe flavoured chocolates and Custard. Could easly chuck just thinking about it.
Butter beans

ugh I feel sick just thinking about marzipan.
Had an overdose of Bacardi 40 years ago-still can't bear the smell of the stuff!
agree with you there, guernsey, overdid it at school.......(and they go on about youth drinking today! - we were pretty bad).
I like a bit of chocolate - I dislike chocolate cake, I like hot chocolate - I dislike chocolate milkshake.

I hate... peanut butter *shudder* love Reese's though.
boiled chicken = pure slime
Irish stew.
Runny eggs......bleeuuurrgghhh
I have a completely irrational dislike of coconut, also semolina pudding(school dinners)
Also, Guernseyman's comment about bacardi prompted me to remember my pathological hatred of aniseed and anything flavoured with it.
Crab, i keep trying it but I aways hate it.
bananas, the smell, look, everything. would never dream of eating even a tiny piece. buy them for oh but always pick them up in plastic bag as cannot bear to touch them.
i'm really horrible he even has to eat them in another room or outside. they really make me puke.
eggs, horible things, come out of chicken's bottoms.
How many times must I say this??? POTATOES!!!!!
Oranges - ugh

What is wrong with potatoes???
All kinds, all descriptions, all nationalities. ALL cheese, in other words.
And all other forms of fermented milk.

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