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Aduki beans

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hugoboss | 19:08 Tue 22nd Mar 2005 | Food & Drink
2 Answers
I've bought some from a health food shop. No instructions with them - How do I cook them? What do I eat them with? salads?


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try google lots of info and recipes on various sites

Errr... are they frozen, tinned, dried, pickled ?????

If, (as I suspect), they're dried, then soak in cold water overnight, rinse, and boil until tender (I'd guess about 40 mins).

Aduki beans are like a small kidney bean, substitute them for other beans in soups, cassoulets etc. If you like bean salads, try them mixed with celery, tomato, spring onion in a bit of home-made vinaigarette dressing.

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Aduki beans

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