Cannibalism.... in The AnswerBank: Food & Drink
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sandyRoe | 07:23 Fri 17th Jun 2011 | Food & Drink
15 Answers
What would be considered the prime cut?
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Depends on the person really....
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Wonder is there a muscle that would correspond to the fillet steak from cattle?
Dunno- by the way, should any of us be worried?
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Boo, no. I'm starting a 48 hour fast this morning and feeling a bit peckish already. Funny how the mind dwells on food of one sort or another.
oh 'eck, why? Operation coming up?
my rump is pretty tasty
Slab of ribs covered in BBQ sauce...
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breast of Carmalee in a white wine sauce has always been appreciated
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Perhaps not entirely appropriate to have this in food and drink......LOL maybe chatterbank would have been better. My opinion....you don't eat people.....if you google Flanders and Swann , the Reluctant Cannibal, you will see what I mean. "Come and get it....roast leg of insurance salesman. " LOL
If a butcher goes to the doctor feeling ill then does he get given a meat injection?

One cannibal said to the other as they were eating a comedian.
"Does this taste funny to you"?

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