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Cheese on toast

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sherrardk | 21:05 Sun 27th Nov 2011 | Food & Drink
24 Answers
Just about to have cheese on toast for the first time in about a year (have a working grill now). How would you have yours - with some sliced tomato, with a splash of Worcestershire sauce (Special Edition) or just plain old cheese?


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Both. Or with finely chopped raw onions.
Can'y beat the plain cheese in my opinion.
Sweet chilli dipping sauce...
Yum with a little wholegrain mustard, just a smear.
Sprinkle with mixed herbs
With Marmite
my grill hasn't worked for years. well, it comes on but then blows all the downstairs fuses!
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The grills not fixed - the microwave died and himself bought a microwave/grill/convection oven thing.
Plain cheese, maybe some ham on too.

Used to make them with cheese, tomato ketchup and oregano on little little toast pizzas.
Cheddar, then spread on some Primula cheese, then finish it off with some Lea & Perrins....chuck it under the grill..
I prefer it plain, but the cheese has to be virtually elderly (as opposed to mature)
Finely chopped mushroom, sliced tomatos, on cheese on toast.
Light spread of tomato sauce ---yummy
Mix with just a touch of beaten egg,with plenty of chilli flakes.( can't get enough of chilli flakes )
brown sauce but if the mood takes me sliced tomato with a sprinkling of salt and no sauce.
Same as snags, that sweet chilli dipping sauce enlivens all sorts of dishes!
Plain (strong-flavoured) cheese is fine but any of the following add well to it:
Freshly ground black pepper ;
Cayenne pepper ;
English mustard ;
French mustard ;
Dark soy sauce ;
Lemon juice.

To turn it into a full meal, rather than a snack, adding some baked beans and/or rashers of bacon goes well. Alternatively put some grilled sardines on top.
Got to be creamy Lancashire for me, with day old homemade bread.

Worcestershire sauce sometimes, ground black pepper always.
chilling dipping sauce with banana, venator....? :-)
Cheese + Lea & Perrins Worcester Sauce, what else could possibly hit the spot.

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