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Scrambled Eggs

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Tor | 15:56 Tue 26th Apr 2005 | Food & Drink
29 Answers
Does anyone know why you should put water and not milk in scrambled eggs? (Saw it on a tv programme but they didn't explain why).


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Heaven knows; I would never dream of doing such a thing! Waiting to read other answers...
I've enjoyed my scrambled eggs for the last half a century and I'd give them up before making them with water.

I would have thought that water would make them rather runny & tasteless.

I heard this on a TV cookery show a few years back - water for scrambled eggs, milk for omelettes - I make both with milk and that's the way it's going to stay. They can stick their expert opinions from whence the egg originated.
Nope, no idea why you should do that, and like previous posts I always use milk!

I've always used milk - or cream!

... though for omelettes, I use neither, just eggs + seasoning.

Water !! How yukky. I scramble them in butter and add a dash of cream.Naughty but nice !

Tor I was this Good Food Live? I also saw this and Have used water ever since would never dream of using milk again, Try it people you may be plesantly surprised! only a tiny drop of water is required.

I always thought you should use milk with scrambled eggs and a little water with omelettes.  My rationale was that whilst the omelette is cooking it is the water that evaporates and not the moisture in the egg!  It does seem to work, but I don't know where on earth I got this idea from!!
I agree with chongalolo. I've always used milk in scrambled eggs and water in omelette.
At catering college we were taught  to use water in omelettes and milk (with optional cream) in scrambled eggs.
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 You can put milk or water, with milk it just taste creamier and richer. With water is low fat and some people dont like the rich taste.

You can use milk for a creamier richer taste and water if you want a low fat version.

Delia Smith doesn't use water or milk with scrambled eggs or omlettes, although she does suggest adding cream to scrambled egg after it is cooked.

I was always taught milk with scrambled eggs and water for omlettes - apparently the water makes the omlette mix lighter.

Apparently egg white omlettes are an American invention and are said to taste wonderful - but I find that hard to believe - it sounds like a savoury meringue pie topping!

the woman who put the water in the scrambled eggs was not a professional chef at all she said her family had made it that way for generations she was asked to make her scrambled eggs and a well known chef who has a restaurant in New York who is famous for his scrambled agess made his, both were tasted and the presenter said the were both as good as each other, the pro chef used cream in his.
In a Pickle - the restaurant that serves egg and bacon ice cream is the Fat Duck at Bray. It has just been named the best restaurant in the world, so the chef/owner, Heston Blumenthal, must know what he is doing!
And back to the question - I do not put milk or water in my omelletes or scrambled eggs. Scrambled eggs get made with a lot of butter and my family (who can be quite critical!) declare them to be the best they have eaten (blushes modestly).
We add a little butter, chopped chives/onion or whatever one fancies to omelettes. Just a little butter to scrambled eggs. Yummy!
I've always used milk in both scrambled eggs and omelettes and wouldn't dream of using water - it sounds really wishy washy and I like my grub to have a bit of oompf!!! Milk isn't that fattening really anyway and for how much you use it's hardly worth worrying about!!

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