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I want to know about the best restaurant in Australia?

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CarlosTackett | 14:42 Fri 22nd Jun 2012 | Food & Drink
52 Answers
I want to know the best restaurant in Australia?


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DT it's Ularu now.
Righto. sibton.
well Kiki, given that the government have announced that all those with hearing issues will get free, priority coverage, then that means all men will get that coverage too as you women are always on about "You never listen to me, you must be deaf'"

As to CarlosTacky, it must follow suit.......or am I missing something, like my brain this damp and windy Friday afternoon?
Oh thanks, renamed after the dingo was it?
Leave my Dingo out of this DT.
I think Ularu is the aborigine name for it. (Should that be "native people"?)
Good point, DT, Mr Frog is deaf like that as well. Although it does appear to be selective deafness.

Maybe our Carlos suffers from a cyber equivalent
no advance on spam then?

you lot are rubbish
Wash in a 50/50 mixture of Heinz Tomato Soup and Bisto - the stain will be invisible afterwards
The Wombats B&llocks
The Plait Billed Ducky Bus
Also the Coca Cola bear.
The Possums Didgerydoo
The Aborigine's Armpit - do a great BBQ with a distinctive musty BO flavour.
Is BO short for Bovril? I think you might be confusing it with Vegemite?

The Hairy Billabong, up the road from the Silky Surfer
The Budgies Bum, Is also pretty good.
probably 2 short planks...but she is now afraid to ask
The Sydney Scratchy Cock Café

- can be a bit flaky on the night.
(also standards go up and down)

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