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chocolate strawberrys

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hairymary | 14:08 Tue 31st May 2005 | Food & Drink
3 Answers
how do you make them


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melt good chocolate in a bowl over a pan of hot water. Rinse and dry strawberries, leaving in the hull and leaves. Have pieces of silicone or waxed paper ready. Dip fruit in chocolatre, plonk on paper chill in fridge scoff
Funny you asked that - I am making some later.... (trying to get my 2 year old to eat strawberries!! - not the healthiest way to go about it but at least she'll be getting some fruit!!)

And I'll be making them as woofgang said.

You HAVE to try this if you want to impress your dinner guests.

Follow the intructions below but once you've dipped them in the melted chocolate, plunge them into a bowl of iced water. They float and the chocolate sets without any flat sides/patches, leaving a perfect 'strawberry' shape. Remove from water once set (2/3 mins) and keep in fridge on greaseproof paper. Make sure you keep the water ice cold with ice cubes. Also use really good quality, high cocoa content chocolate to avoid white fat/milk patches.

Sweet summer strawberries coated in dark plain chocolate - wow, makes me go weak at the knees. (if you're listening guys - wink, wink)


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