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quick advice needed please

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crisgal | 14:46 Sat 25th Aug 2012 | Food & Drink
12 Answers
i have a chocolate gateaux i defrosted on wednesday eve and forgot about. it's been in the fridge - would you eat it?


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I wouldn't eat it if I was you - tell me where you live and I'll come round and "get rid of it for you".
On a serious note - get stuck in :)
it's fine - if it's not been out of the fridge.
Enjoy, it'll be lovely
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thanks guys! i have five happy kids now!
Yesterday I ate 4 slices of ham that was out of date by 5 days.
I would have binned it if I had noticed the date though.

get stuck in, it's only cake.
there will be none left for us then ----- not even crumbs or cream smears.
My offer still stands ........ I'm still waiting for your address lol :P
Oooooh How on Earth can a chocolate gateaux be forgotten about!!!!? lol ...
most definitely ! May I pop round ?
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ha ha - thanks guys - it was a marks and spencer too. just licking the plate now, mmmmm
Of course I would, people are much too finicky about eating stuff that's out of date by the label. If it looks good and smells good, eat it. Several items in our fridge are past use-by - it's in the fridge, its fine.
It world be a blimmin miracle if I still had chocolate cake in the fridge after four days!!!

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quick advice needed please

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