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Roasting tinned potatoes

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albaqwerty | 11:25 Sun 28th Oct 2012 | Food & Drink
99 Answers
Can you or just better to heat up on the hob?

Thank you x


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what gives with folk and cliques?
I despair at times.

Thank you all kindly for your suggestions, and thoughts, I'm leaning towards them frying them with some chopped bacon.

Sorry for leaving, Mr Alba wanted to go out sooner than I thought :-)
I often used tinned potatoes they are great in curries and make a brill potato salad. I keep them in for those days I get home late from work and the meat is cooked, donor hang your head in shame at all.
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oooh, another use, pot salad, thanks Helen xx
I luv home made pot salad. :-D
I like tinned taters .I've got several tins in the cupboard .I get them from Lidl .
Lovely fried up with onion and bacon.I use those little cubes .Pancetta ? ...or some such thing .
TBH, I wouldn't have thought of using tinned spuds til I read this thread, but there are some great ideas on it.
No worries alba xx
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shaney, that's where I got mine from yesterday, was astounded at 19p a tin!!!

Those lovely ideas added to 19p = a happy purse :-)
strewth ...... tinned potatoes?
lovely with er ....frozen mushrooms.
i can't see why you couldn;t roast them. i've used them in stews/curries etc
Thanks alba, now on my list and thanks to those who such good ideas
I have always kept tinned potatoes in the cupboard in case anyone arrived unexpectedly and needed a quick meal. I have certainly enjoyed reading the suggestions though and will use some of them.
You can't roast tinned spuds as they are just too wet , they are tinned in water so they are totally saturated.
No shame in skinting on meals etc to the next pay day, alba, it tests the limits of our ingenuity at times and we can make some discoveries for cheapo dishes.

How about this - goes with roast chicken, pork, (goose) etc....

Caramelised Potatoes

1 (16 ounce) can small potatoes
2 tablespoons butter
1/2 cup brown sugar or 1/2 cup brown sugar substitute

1 Open tin and drain your potatoes well.

2 Melt butter in a heavy frying pan/skillet.

3 Stir in the brown sugar and heat, stirring until it bubbles. Wait until it turns brown and starts to caramelise.

4 Add potatoes and cook 3-5 minutes (until heated through), stirring constantly. If they start to go brown with the sugar, great.

5 Serve.
and you can add some chilli/chipotle if you want a little more kick - certainly some fresh ground black pepper.....
Lidl are good for stuff like that Alba .I buy their tins of petit pois and baby carrots .They're very nice with a bit of butter and pepper :)
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frozen mushrooms Mick, oh no, there's a step too far!! That's on the same hit list as frozen mashed spuds.

Me mouth's watering now! DT x
DT do you think olive oil will do instead of butter? I am not supposed to eat butter my cholesterol is so high I am on the highest dose of statins so I don't want to endanger it any more but your recipe sounds delicious.
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Their garden peas went up from 31p to 39p t'other week. They might not do a huge range of 'named' brands, but I reckon most of their stuff is quite tasty.
yes olive oil will do, I would think, starbuck, though I would put a knob of butter in to the could also use sunflower, a little lighter perhaps.
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Starby, I'm nowhere knowledgeable about olive oil, but there's quite a range out there isn't there? I hope someone can recommend one.

Eddie, not ignoring you, thank you for confirming what I thought, hence the question :-D

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