Before I went to bed last night I took out of the freezer what I thought was a small joint of beef. Went to the fridge to get it ready to be cooked and it's duck giblets...
Not had need to for a while, but one make gravy from them. Most innards are fine, beware of a non empty digestive track though - I'd not want to eat what the duck has already started on, or finished even.
Break up the carcass and freeze it.
I've got flipping loads - must use them up soon!
I saw an Asian woman buying the leftover salmon fillets in our fish market.
They get thrown but she paid £1.50 and told me shed make a lovely curry with the meat clinging to the fillets.
It's purer and less influenced by other stuff that the manufacturers put in which allows you to season/flavour as you want.
I like it as a drink when feeling fluey - like now.