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Supermarket Points .

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modeller | 13:58 Wed 15th May 2013 | Food & Drink
21 Answers
I go to 5 different supermarkets some give points like nectar which I like the best as I can get them elsewhere as well and they are easy to spend.
I get Tesco points and Co-0p divi. Asda and Waitrose give out these green coin things which are of no value to me although they may help a charity somewhere . I just find them irritating .
I find many promotions useless such as £5 off your next £40 shop as long as it's within 7 days or it's not valid in the branch only at the main shop 10 miles away.
Leaving aside convenience for the moment.
Overall which Supermarket do you find is best value. ?


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Boots,not a super market I know,but 4pin pound,double points in your birthday month + boots send through vouchers

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Supermarket Points .

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