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bizzarre food

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mr. piper | 11:46 Wed 13th Jul 2005 | Food & Drink
15 Answers

I was once offered  what looked like turkey and a great blob of cranberry only to discover it was congealed ox blood with veal. It was gross, i wretched 144 times. others were quite happy to try but not me.

has anyone had a similar experience with something dreadful on a plate?



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I've eaten a few 'weird' types of meat - wildebeast, crocodile, guinea pig, peacock, kangaroo (which isn't really weird, but heaps of people feel strange about eating a national emblem). I've also had chocolate covered scorpions, as well as bugs like locusts. Most times I knew what I was eating, but the thing that has grossed me out the most was actually eating snails - thinking of digging them out of their shells just makes me come over all queasy even now!

I have just spent a few years living in Germany and during that time I have spent quite a bit of time in their hospitals.  The reason people leave hospital with a bit of weight loss is because the is quite frankly gross.  I cannot eat any product from a schwiene and that is staple food for them.  So your food comes to you and they under cook everything and they leave all the tubes and gristly bits on it,  bloody hideous to look at and no way would let it go down my gullet.  they pickle everything and sour kraut is vile.  All that made me wretch nad I'm not suprised that you were left feeling ill.

hi there amarillis,  I have eaten ostrich that is a really nice meat.  I would definately try wildebeast, croc, peacock and kangaroo,  but I don't think I could try what is basiclly a kiddies or insects.  I have eaten snails on my honeymoon in francais.  They were already out of their shells when they came to me and were in a garlic sauce,  they were actually quite nice,  if you like the shellfish whelks then there is no reason not to try snails.
snails are nice, had them by accident in Paris after trying to pronounce a wine similar to l'escargots but pigs trotter in Indonesia has to rank as a nasty!
I ate dog in Seoul (1988) olympics) for a bet, I had to get well drunk first, it's not all that revolting tastewise it's revolting thought wise.

Like iceman I think garlic snails are good.

I had a mixed grill in Turkey once, which included something white, which I assumed was chicken. It wasn't. It was part of a lamb's testicle, yumurta.

Also in Turkey, I failed to make the distinction between iskender - which is an excellent dish of pitta bread, d�ner meat, tomato sauce and yoghurt - and işkembe, which is a vile tripe soup.

But perhaps the worst was when hitchhiking back from Turkey, sleeping rough. I'd been eating turkish delight that evening, and, when I woke in the night with something sticky clinging to my face, I assumed this is what it was. I bit about half way through and then realised it wasn't. The next morning I found a nice shiny slug trail on my seeping bag all the way to the hood...

Xollob - ewwww!!!!

The food at my university was generally grim and tasteless.  One day I had Lancashire hotpot that was actually rather nice and I was tucking into it Then I picked out a bit of meat that had the biggest tube (artery!) sticking out of it.
This was one of the things that led to me giving up red meat.

Earlier this year, I was in Lyon at a company "do" and had the "delight" of being served a main course that included a thick slice of marrow bone. Never one to turn my nose up at something without trying it once, I managed a couple of scoops of marrow. I Didn't find it particulary pleasant and it still has the ability to make me feel slightly queasy when I think back on it now.

Think I'll leave bones for the dogs in future.

Whislt in the USSR our table at the hotel was brought a tureen of what looked like dirty scumy washing up water with 8 hard boiled eggs, shelled in the bottom. Yes, it was boiled egg soup! What you had to do was put a ladle of washing up water (meant to be chicken stock) into your bowl along with a hard boiled egg, then mash the egg up in your bowl. Yes, I ate it, in those days you ate what you were served at the hotel or starved, though it wasn't particularly pleasant.
When I was 12 I went to France and had a lovely time on a farm, playing with all the animals and bunnies etc. At dinner they gave me "chicken" to eat. It wasn't until the man next to me knocked open the skull and ate the brain that I realised I was eating my furry friends...

Stomach-turning thread! Blegh!

I have been offered some pretty gross things (by my standards) but am not normally up for trying it. Think my foreign in-laws are used to that now fortunately!

Various parts of sheeps head were on the menu in one of the former Soviet Republics when I was there years ago.

More recently I have been offered stuffed sheeps stomach, yet more sheeps head (the smell of it cooking is enough to make me retch). I have had the mother-in-law in my kitchen cookin' up a feast with sheeps feet, tongue and stomach. I know these things might be old English things but nevertheless - YUCK! I can't believe I used to eat black pudding as a child... that is basically blood and fat isn't it? (Heave).

Give me chicken any day!

When in France a few years ago, I ordered a n Andouille sausage. It smelt and tasted awful, and it was when I got back home that I found out it was Chitterlings, (intestines).

I can normally eat most things, snails , whelks, haggis, black pudding etc..

We had some andouille sausages in Louisiana a few weeks ago- yum, they were absolutely delicious. But then I had been made aware of what they were before tucking in and I do love haggis and black pudding!

My husband went to private school and is in the army so he is used to eating anything that is put in front of him,  so much so that when he went on a canoeing week in Norway 12 years ago they had to fend for themselves and they found a wild goat,  mr hellywellywo killed, gutted, cut it into portions and cooked it himself.  I'm not against trying goat but I don't feel that I could prepare so to speak.

I've eaten reindeer which was somewhat bizzare. Other than that i have been pretty lucky. When i went to russia i sent two weeks not knowing what i was eating. I know for a fact that none of it was chicken though!

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