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Tilly2 | 16:59 Thu 18th Jul 2013 | Food & Drink
23 Answers
I have just made a Spaghetti Bolognese and it's simmering away nicely for later.
When it comes to preparing the garlic, I always dither. Chop it finely, crush it in the garlic press or break it up with the blade of a big knife?

What's the best way?


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Either crush or chop finely
Blade of knife with some salt.
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So it doesn't make any difference how you prepare it, Brinjal?
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sorry gingejbee. You weren't there earlier.
The smaller or finer it is, the more garlic taste. I do it with a big knife cos that's what the pros do!
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When I use a big knife to crush it, it just fans out into a flat clove shape.
If it has a green shoot in the middle, remove it
That's where the salt comes in - gets a bit of "grip" so you can carry on "mashing" it - difficult to describe!
Tesco sell frozen minced garlic - and chillies. Problem solved. ;o)
naomi - that's cheating. For people who don't really like cooking - and who have too much spare cash!
gingejbee, Sounds about right. ;o)
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I often use garlic puree but I thought I'd do it properly today. Too much time on my hands.
I tried a spaghetti bolognese once and thought if one clove good, 7 must be much better. The next day people were crossing the street to avoid me.
Throw it in the bin right away don't chop slice or anything .Straight into the bin I tell you
Tilly, I don't enjoy cooking - and chopping garlic is one of my pet hates - so the pre-chopped stuff works for me.
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I do enjoy cooking, naomi, when I have the time. However, a Spaggy Bol was all I could be bothered to do in this heat. Hey, the Italians do it and it's hotter there.

Weecalf, why would I throw it in the bin?
Tilly, I wish I enjoyed it - but I don't. For me it seems such a waste of time - but I admire people who do it well - and I love programmes like Masterchef. I love garlic too.
Why are you thinking of adding it now? Should be put in at the beginning to simmer away with the rest of the ingredients. Doesn't matter whether squashed, chopped or squeezed.
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I did put it in at the beginning, diddlydo. I squashed it with a knife. I just wanted to know if there was a proper thing to do.
P.S. It was absolutely delicious!
I never put garlic in my ragu!

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