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Which Small Food Processor ?

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tamaris | 08:18 Mon 02nd Sep 2013 | Food & Drink
4 Answers
I have a large one that does everything but dance, but I am looking to get one that will just do smaller amounts, any ideas please ?


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Have a look at Bamix, they are very compact and will do large and small amounts as you can use any bowl.

They ar often featured on the shopping channels at reduced prices.
Bamix - wildly overpriced, even at discount.
Which? says best small one is a Magimix Le Micro or a Bosch 4100, if you want it to do lots of different jobs, well.
We've had one of these for years... never wears out and works very well. It may be avaiable in the U.K.

Reasonably priced too...
Get a handheld one

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