I remember those days well and sometimes they still occur with us having to cut around the creature burrows to the untainted food and then getting stuck in as the rest is okay. We have grown to be soft namby pambies and what's worse is that we're teaching our kids and grandkids that the world is an overly dangerous place and so we must cover it and it's inhabitants with cotton wool but many people don't realise that 99% of the food that they eat has at some point came into contact with rats, mice, roaches or some other creature. I've travelled the world and have eaten maggots, witchety grubs, snakes spiders, rats, balut, live baby octopuses, dogs, cats and the list goes on and on and i can never even remember and upset stomach, why in fact in the war we had to lay in trenches and eat rotten food that had been in the same water as rotting corpses! What's happened to the moxy, guts and bravado of the yesteryear man?