I am 11 years old and about 4.7 tall. 5 weeks go i weighed 4.8 st and now i weigh a shocking 6st! my stomach sicks out so so much, but before it was completely flat! i have seen other phsycal changes in my body such as my arms and legs are rather chunky niw plus i always feel really bloated. But the weirdest part i exersise at least 2 hrs every day and eat a balanced diet. Now when i sit down I have 4/5 rolls of fat and my belly button has become really deep . about 1/3 of my index finger can fit in there when im sitting down help me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I think you should talk to your mother about your concerns. We dont know you and cant see you so will not be able to advise you as to whether you have a problem at all, and if you do, the reason and what can be done.
In the circumstances, I too think she should be given the benefit of the doubt - but not because she's a newbie - she could be a child genuinely wanting reassurance.