Is this a modern take on Nancy Mitford's 'U and Non-U', published 60 years ago? For her, U meant upper-class and non-U the opposite. She offered one social instance which revealed which you were; namely, whether you put milk in your teacup before or after the tea. If you did so first, you were a MIF...a milk-in-first person and effectively the lowest of the low!
(If you ever use the word, MIF, be careful that it doesn't come out as MILF, which is something quite other!)
carrust. yes, please give it a try, It is not as sweet as sugar, it dissolves quicker and it is better for you anyway. Try starting with a small amount then add more if required.
i try to vary my breakkie routine, sometimes its muesli with banana, other days its porridge with apple or banana, but not cows milk, soya is my preference
Brewing in the mug forces you to put milk in last but it tastes like UHT milk has been used. Is this what they mean about "scalding the milk"?
I always thought that milk last was because the host doesn't always know if a guest takes their tea black or white. If served poured and white then that is forcing the guest's hand, which is uncouth.
As for Mitford: Surely it would be more U to not know which went in first because the butler sorted all that out for you?
For the record, I'm a MIF person. I go with what tastes better and snobs can go and fun themselves, afaic.