ChatterBank0 min ago
Crohns Disease Food
14 Answers
A few food related questions for anyone who has crohns disease..
During a flare up, what foods do you find make things worse?
Again, during a flare up, what foods can you tolerate which you really enjoy, or is it just bland, tasteless stuff to fill you up?
When things are settled, what foods can you almost guarantee will set you off or can you eat a completely normal diet with no ill effects?
Thank you
During a flare up, what foods do you find make things worse?
Again, during a flare up, what foods can you tolerate which you really enjoy, or is it just bland, tasteless stuff to fill you up?
When things are settled, what foods can you almost guarantee will set you off or can you eat a completely normal diet with no ill effects?
Thank you
Morning! Looks like you've got a fair good answers here! I'm currently 30 and got diagnosed with Crohns when I was 25. I've tried so many drugs now, hence the Infliximab as you have to try so many different things and if they don't work they then resort to Biomeds. One thing I know is that the steroids (I'm assuming you've got Prednisolone ) are fab and always...
07:17 Sat 16th Aug 2014
I'm a fellow Crohns sufferer and I find, during a flare, I stick to bog standard chicken, rice & gravy for most meals! Glamorous isn't it?!
My last flare was triggered by eating 2 bananas over 2 days as that was the only thing different in my diet that week!
As a general rule of thumb I stay away from nuts, muesli, oats, sweetcorn; basically anything that's hard to chew. If my teeth have a problem then my digestive system stands no chance! Haha!!
I'm afraid that a bland diet is all we Crohnies have to enjoy during those hard times! Just remember to always spot the symptoms as early as possible and take action immediately!! Sadly I've never heard of a flare being calmed purely by eating bland food alone... It may happen for some but I haven't heard of it yet. I hope you've got an IBD flare line to call if that ever happens. I don't know where I would be without mine!!
I hope I have helped in some small way, us Crohnies gotta stick together !! :)
I'm a fellow Crohns sufferer and I find, during a flare, I stick to bog standard chicken, rice & gravy for most meals! Glamorous isn't it?!
My last flare was triggered by eating 2 bananas over 2 days as that was the only thing different in my diet that week!
As a general rule of thumb I stay away from nuts, muesli, oats, sweetcorn; basically anything that's hard to chew. If my teeth have a problem then my digestive system stands no chance! Haha!!
I'm afraid that a bland diet is all we Crohnies have to enjoy during those hard times! Just remember to always spot the symptoms as early as possible and take action immediately!! Sadly I've never heard of a flare being calmed purely by eating bland food alone... It may happen for some but I haven't heard of it yet. I hope you've got an IBD flare line to call if that ever happens. I don't know where I would be without mine!!
I hope I have helped in some small way, us Crohnies gotta stick together !! :)
Clipclop, thank you very much for your response, it is much appreciated and has helped immensely :)
I have all the literature and have read lots about it but it's the personal input I was looking for. I know everyones crohns is different, a matter of trial and error regarding some foods I think although the general principles seem to be the same for everyone.
I've only recently been diagnosed and it's being rather stubborn in its response to treatment, the food side of it is getting me down particularly, which is why I asked the question...thank you so much for your reply..and good luck!
Ps. If you have any further suggestions/input, I'd love to hear them :)
I have all the literature and have read lots about it but it's the personal input I was looking for. I know everyones crohns is different, a matter of trial and error regarding some foods I think although the general principles seem to be the same for everyone.
I've only recently been diagnosed and it's being rather stubborn in its response to treatment, the food side of it is getting me down particularly, which is why I asked the question...thank you so much for your reply..and good luck!
Ps. If you have any further suggestions/input, I'd love to hear them :)
Aw you're welcome. I remember being newly diagnosed and it is SOOO much to take in!! I've been diagnosed 4 years now and just when I think i've got it sussed it throws me a curve ball, like the banana! That was back in Janurary and it got so bad I started Infliximab in April and I'll be on that for at least a year... so 2 banana's has caused over a years worth of treatment! Crazy isn't it?!
Yeah you're totally right, everyone reacts differently. A friend of mine can't have alcohol... but I can! YEY!! Haha! The main point with the alcohol is that, if I ever feel anxious (another huge trigger for me!) it helps me to chill out so I can actually argue that Alcohol is like a form of medication for me! haha!
Some people steer clear away from Mushrooms, I'm fine with them. Alternatively my friend can have loads of muesli... I just look at the stuff now and I can feel a flare coming on! haha! I used to eat loads of it too! Generally though I haven't had to change that much of my diet, I do miss a few things but I just thank my lucky stars that I'm not one of those people who needs a tube up their nose or needs to drink those calorific juice, meal-replacement things!! URGH!!
I've heard that the guy who plays Cain in Emmerdale copes with his Crohns by diet only... but it's a very restrictive diet and I don't think I could cope with that!
Have you seen your consultant yet? Have they got a good safety net around you? (Flareline to call etc?)
Yeah you're totally right, everyone reacts differently. A friend of mine can't have alcohol... but I can! YEY!! Haha! The main point with the alcohol is that, if I ever feel anxious (another huge trigger for me!) it helps me to chill out so I can actually argue that Alcohol is like a form of medication for me! haha!
Some people steer clear away from Mushrooms, I'm fine with them. Alternatively my friend can have loads of muesli... I just look at the stuff now and I can feel a flare coming on! haha! I used to eat loads of it too! Generally though I haven't had to change that much of my diet, I do miss a few things but I just thank my lucky stars that I'm not one of those people who needs a tube up their nose or needs to drink those calorific juice, meal-replacement things!! URGH!!
I've heard that the guy who plays Cain in Emmerdale copes with his Crohns by diet only... but it's a very restrictive diet and I don't think I could cope with that!
Have you seen your consultant yet? Have they got a good safety net around you? (Flareline to call etc?)
Ha, wine I just can't tolerate now, and I love wine :( Gin and tonic so far are ok though, so G&T it is! I was reading about that bloke from emmerdale, I'm glad it works for him but I too would, I think, find it far too restrictive...although if it carries on the way it is I may be tempted to try anything!
I've seen a colorectal consultant and had the colonoscopy (with biopsies, which is how it's been diagnosed) just waiting for a gastro consult appt now although the IBD specialist nurse has rung me and had a good long chat.
I'm currently on pentasa, which doesn't seem to be working, so was started on oral steroids 10 days ago, for 9 weeks, just hoping to see some improvement over the next week or two.
I'm 61 and this was the last thing I was expecting, hadn't realised I'm in the second most common age group to develope old are you Clipclop? Did it take long to get it under some sort of control? I hope the infliximab does it's stuff for you, I've heard nothing but good things about it. xx
I've seen a colorectal consultant and had the colonoscopy (with biopsies, which is how it's been diagnosed) just waiting for a gastro consult appt now although the IBD specialist nurse has rung me and had a good long chat.
I'm currently on pentasa, which doesn't seem to be working, so was started on oral steroids 10 days ago, for 9 weeks, just hoping to see some improvement over the next week or two.
I'm 61 and this was the last thing I was expecting, hadn't realised I'm in the second most common age group to develope old are you Clipclop? Did it take long to get it under some sort of control? I hope the infliximab does it's stuff for you, I've heard nothing but good things about it. xx
Fingers crossed, touch wood and all that, I am pretty much ok with my food most of the time,
i don't eat spicy food, and I am not very keen on processed meat, pies , sausages etc.
I usually manage a slice of grilled bacon with my egg and toast on a saturday, but sometimes it can start me off.
I miss fresh orange with all the bits in it, really ,really miss it ,but its not worth the pain or the after effects unfortunately.
I think that its really just trial and error with your diet, what will be really bad for one person doesn't seem to affect another,
My friend cannot cope with popcorn, but it doesn't bother me at all.
i don't eat spicy food, and I am not very keen on processed meat, pies , sausages etc.
I usually manage a slice of grilled bacon with my egg and toast on a saturday, but sometimes it can start me off.
I miss fresh orange with all the bits in it, really ,really miss it ,but its not worth the pain or the after effects unfortunately.
I think that its really just trial and error with your diet, what will be really bad for one person doesn't seem to affect another,
My friend cannot cope with popcorn, but it doesn't bother me at all.
Sparkles, thank you for your replies, very helpful :)
I've not joined NACC yet but have the info pack, just a matter of getting round to it really. I'd heard about the card and did wonder how useful it would actually be, interesting to know you've used it and found it helpful.
If you don't mind me asking, how old are you and how long have you had crohns for? How often do you find you get a flare up, and how long does it take to get it under control again? I had a colonoscopy at the end of June and started on pentasa the following day. I'm really surprised how long all this has been going on for and expected things to have settled down by now...unrealistic expectations on my part I now realise :(
Getting a bit fed up of mash, white rice, chicken, white bread and yoghurt, all seems to go against the grain for following a healthy diet! My shopping basket used to be mainly full of fruit and veg, now all it has in it are carrots and potatoes...
Thanks for all your replies xx
I've not joined NACC yet but have the info pack, just a matter of getting round to it really. I'd heard about the card and did wonder how useful it would actually be, interesting to know you've used it and found it helpful.
If you don't mind me asking, how old are you and how long have you had crohns for? How often do you find you get a flare up, and how long does it take to get it under control again? I had a colonoscopy at the end of June and started on pentasa the following day. I'm really surprised how long all this has been going on for and expected things to have settled down by now...unrealistic expectations on my part I now realise :(
Getting a bit fed up of mash, white rice, chicken, white bread and yoghurt, all seems to go against the grain for following a healthy diet! My shopping basket used to be mainly full of fruit and veg, now all it has in it are carrots and potatoes...
Thanks for all your replies xx
Looks like you've got a fair good answers here!
I'm currently 30 and got diagnosed with Crohns when I was 25. I've tried so many drugs now, hence the Infliximab as you have to try so many different things and if they don't work they then resort to Biomeds. One thing I know is that the steroids (I'm assuming you've got Prednisolone) are fab and always managed to sort me out. The only problem with them is that they're not good for your body in the long term. I ended up being dependant on them, as soon as I tapered them down I would flare straight back up again. I worked out that, in March, I had spent about 14 months out of 34 free from steroids and that when my doc said enough was enough THANK GOD!
That's good that you've got a IBD Nurse! Are you able to call them if/when you need it? That's the main thing you need to ensure you've got; access to a helpline if anything goes bad suddenly. GP's are alright but, in my experience, they know very little about Crohns. I usually ended up going into see them and telling them exactly how many steroids I needed and they happily obliged as they didn't have a clue how to treat me and, usually, you can't get an emergency appointment to see your consultant!
MY Hospital are fab (thank god) they've got a Flareline with 2 numbers, 1 for bad flare emergencies and another for non-urgent advice. I rang them on Wednesday as I've been having some really bad problems with constipation now! (a side effect of the Infliximab) and they got me in for an xray within the hour and once I had that they looked at it and gave me a consultation and advice over the phone. That is exactly what someone with IBD needs, help as soon as they need it. None of this 2 week wait as, by that time, I'd be incapable of leaving the house!
KEep a written record of all your symptoms and any changes (good or bad) that you note with each medication so you can give your consultant a really good idea of what works for you and what doesn't. From my experience they tend to start with the lesser effective drugs first and move you up if they don't work. If Pentasa doesn't work for you then I'm guessing Azathioprine will be your next point of call. Aza is good, i've been a lot better on them than any other drug I've tried even though I'm now on the Infliximab as well.
I know exactly what you mean with regards to the healthy eating! Crohns almost forces you to eat all those foods that are recommended you stay away from! I used to be all about the '7 a day', brown bread and all that stuff! You're doing good with the carrots though, they're supposed to be the best food for anyone and everyone as it's so soft on your system. I do manage with brocolli/cauliflower etc, I just make sure its really well cooked so that helps my system process it.
I really feel for you though, we all know too well what its like to be in flare, eating rubbish foods and not seeing any positive results. The main thing is to focus on the small, positive things you can do like going for a nice stroll, enjoying a bubble bath, treating yourself to a manicure. ITs things like that that can really affect your state of mind and, as we all know, that plays a massive part in calming the Crohns down. So start planning some nice things to try and take your mind off it and take the anxiety away a bit, reassured in the knowledge that the Steroids WILL sort you out as well! You just gotta give them a few days to kick in and remember to taper them down as prescribed (I'm sure you'll have been told how dangerous steroids can be if you suddenly stop them).
Keep us posted on your progress and the 'happy' things you're going to get planned! Crohns is hard to adjust to, yes its for life but that doesn't mean that you can't have a life! Just a little bit of a different one.
What doesn't kill us makes us stronger and Crohns sufferers/Colitis sufferers are some of the hardest people I know!!!
Lots of love xxx
Looks like you've got a fair good answers here!
I'm currently 30 and got diagnosed with Crohns when I was 25. I've tried so many drugs now, hence the Infliximab as you have to try so many different things and if they don't work they then resort to Biomeds. One thing I know is that the steroids (I'm assuming you've got Prednisolone) are fab and always managed to sort me out. The only problem with them is that they're not good for your body in the long term. I ended up being dependant on them, as soon as I tapered them down I would flare straight back up again. I worked out that, in March, I had spent about 14 months out of 34 free from steroids and that when my doc said enough was enough THANK GOD!
That's good that you've got a IBD Nurse! Are you able to call them if/when you need it? That's the main thing you need to ensure you've got; access to a helpline if anything goes bad suddenly. GP's are alright but, in my experience, they know very little about Crohns. I usually ended up going into see them and telling them exactly how many steroids I needed and they happily obliged as they didn't have a clue how to treat me and, usually, you can't get an emergency appointment to see your consultant!
MY Hospital are fab (thank god) they've got a Flareline with 2 numbers, 1 for bad flare emergencies and another for non-urgent advice. I rang them on Wednesday as I've been having some really bad problems with constipation now! (a side effect of the Infliximab) and they got me in for an xray within the hour and once I had that they looked at it and gave me a consultation and advice over the phone. That is exactly what someone with IBD needs, help as soon as they need it. None of this 2 week wait as, by that time, I'd be incapable of leaving the house!
KEep a written record of all your symptoms and any changes (good or bad) that you note with each medication so you can give your consultant a really good idea of what works for you and what doesn't. From my experience they tend to start with the lesser effective drugs first and move you up if they don't work. If Pentasa doesn't work for you then I'm guessing Azathioprine will be your next point of call. Aza is good, i've been a lot better on them than any other drug I've tried even though I'm now on the Infliximab as well.
I know exactly what you mean with regards to the healthy eating! Crohns almost forces you to eat all those foods that are recommended you stay away from! I used to be all about the '7 a day', brown bread and all that stuff! You're doing good with the carrots though, they're supposed to be the best food for anyone and everyone as it's so soft on your system. I do manage with brocolli/cauliflower etc, I just make sure its really well cooked so that helps my system process it.
I really feel for you though, we all know too well what its like to be in flare, eating rubbish foods and not seeing any positive results. The main thing is to focus on the small, positive things you can do like going for a nice stroll, enjoying a bubble bath, treating yourself to a manicure. ITs things like that that can really affect your state of mind and, as we all know, that plays a massive part in calming the Crohns down. So start planning some nice things to try and take your mind off it and take the anxiety away a bit, reassured in the knowledge that the Steroids WILL sort you out as well! You just gotta give them a few days to kick in and remember to taper them down as prescribed (I'm sure you'll have been told how dangerous steroids can be if you suddenly stop them).
Keep us posted on your progress and the 'happy' things you're going to get planned! Crohns is hard to adjust to, yes its for life but that doesn't mean that you can't have a life! Just a little bit of a different one.
What doesn't kill us makes us stronger and Crohns sufferers/Colitis sufferers are some of the hardest people I know!!!
Lots of love xxx
Clipclop, you've no idea how much your last post has helped, thank you once again for taking the time to do such a long, informative reply. I'm so near to tears all the time at the moment (not like the usual me at all) and your kindness has just brought on another teary moment. I really feel for you, being so young, to have to cope with this. You sound a very positive person though and I'm sure that must help.
Yes, I have a number to call should I need it and I'm guessing I'll have more access to things once I've seen the gastro and IBD nurse in clinic too. My GP arranged for the nurse to call me as I've been really struggling with it all, and she took advice from the nurse too, on what dose of prednisolone to give me, I really can't complain about any of the treatment I've received. My GP is great and has rung me a couple of times herself, just to make sure I'm coping ok.
That's a good tip, about keeping a note of symptoms, it's so easy to forget..especially at my age!
I'm so sorry to hear you've been having problems yourself in the last few days, I hope you're feeling you've got on top of it a bit now. It makes me appreciate even more that you've taken the time and trouble to give me your experience and support here.. you're a star, thank you :o) xx
Yes, I have a number to call should I need it and I'm guessing I'll have more access to things once I've seen the gastro and IBD nurse in clinic too. My GP arranged for the nurse to call me as I've been really struggling with it all, and she took advice from the nurse too, on what dose of prednisolone to give me, I really can't complain about any of the treatment I've received. My GP is great and has rung me a couple of times herself, just to make sure I'm coping ok.
That's a good tip, about keeping a note of symptoms, it's so easy to forget..especially at my age!
I'm so sorry to hear you've been having problems yourself in the last few days, I hope you're feeling you've got on top of it a bit now. It makes me appreciate even more that you've taken the time and trouble to give me your experience and support here.. you're a star, thank you :o) xx
Thank you my friend :)
The shine has definitely gone off life at the moment but I'm sure it will return, people have a lot worse to deal with, just feeling a bit negative over the last few days. At least it's not bowel cancer, a real possibility at one point and something my dear old dad died from.
Now, about your smelly drawers..... xx
The shine has definitely gone off life at the moment but I'm sure it will return, people have a lot worse to deal with, just feeling a bit negative over the last few days. At least it's not bowel cancer, a real possibility at one point and something my dear old dad died from.
Now, about your smelly drawers..... xx