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Tuna Sarnie

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EcclesCake | 13:23 Thu 21st Aug 2014 | Food & Drink
69 Answers
I've been reminded by another thread about something that may have been peculiar to my family.

As a child I remember tinned tuna being mixed with malt vinegar. I'm pretty sure pink and red salmon got the same treatment for our Sunday tea.

On visiting a relative aged 8-9 I was horrified to find that the tuna was mixed with salad cream........I went running for my mummy at that horrific discovery.

Now if I fancy a tuna sarnie I use mayo.....and I really fancy a tuna sarnie but I can't eat bread, have no mayo and the cucumber is only good for the chickens.

So, how have your tastes changed over the years for the preparing of tinned tuna.......and as an aside does anyone still buy tinned salmon?


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Never eaten Tuna or Salmon.
As for onion in vinegar - still do that, super in a beef or salami sarnie.
I stir in some olive oil, I like it simple.
Great on chips as well, shoota.
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Mosaic, your recipe for mayo is somewhat different to mine.....

Shoota, I marinated some red onion in red wine vinegar with oregano and EVO for my Greek salad last night!

Tuna or Salmon?
Prefer Salmon, have a Salmon steak most weeks, luv it!
I think I want to cohabit with you Eccles....
Yes on tinned tuna....yummy for sarnies with Hellmans.

Not for me tonight though, out for dinner with family, a couple of bottles of a reasonable Rioja waiting here.
As long as you don't open any tins of fish....
I rarely eat tuna sandwiches but do eat a lot of tuna and rice salads. I sprinkle the tuna with a little sweet chilli sauce.

We never had tuna when I was a child. It was always tins of best red salmon sprinkled with vinegar.
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Shoota, you'll know it's time to take your leave when I open the sardines!
We used to eat pilchards on toast.

Shoota out
Baldric in ;-)
Sardines - no need to swear, Baldric!
Sardines = cat food.
We'll have to organise a rota Ballders.....:-)

Oooooooh . . . . . Fishfingers!!!!!!

Ok, shooota!!
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Tony, do you eat fresh fish?

Shoota & Baldric......I'll draw up the's performance related!
The only fish that I eat is cod from the chippy.

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