Well it was a couple of hours ago.
Just spent a very nice few hours sitting in the lovely golden September sun sipping margaritas with friends. Margaritas are my all time favourite cocktail, second would be English garden cocktail.
What's your favourite cocktail?
wolf, neither had I till not long ago. I discovered cocktails in a 'Browns' chain. I loved the whole experience. If you decide to try a cocktail, go to your nearest Browns & listen to the jazz on piano as you sip ;0) http://www.browns-restaurants.co.uk/home/
A White lady is my favourite . One measure each of gin, Cointreau, and fresh lemon juice, shaken with ice and served in martini glass. Very popular, apparently, with the 'flappers' in the 1920's
I like Margaritas, no salt and none of that gooey sugary mix, all alcohol but for the lime juice, 3 shots of a good tequila, 2 shots fresh lime juice (microwavee the limes for 5 secs to get more juice out of them, 1 of Cointreau, 1 of curacao plenty of ice (blitzed for a frozen, or on the rocks).
Years ago (everything seems to be "years ago"), bartenders would make a concoction called a triple zombie with I don't know how many ounces of rum and liqueurs layered in order to present you with a visual and tasteful delight. The Liqueur Control Board put a stop to that: no more than two ounces per drink.
Elina - I haven't heard of Browns before. There seems to be a couple in Scotland. I don't drink alcohol but love Tomato Juice, not sure if they could make a cocktail with that. Maybe just some Lea and Perrins.