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MTbowels | 19:20 Sun 29th Mar 2015 | Food & Drink
24 Answers
Just seen the latest Lidl advert pushing "tasty rock salmon" while "My Favourite Things" is being played.

Who in their right mind can regard dogfish as being tasty? I sliced up my fair share of them during my Biology "A" levels and I wouldn't touch them if they were the last fish in the world.

Most fishermen I know throw these miniature sharks back when they catch them.


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Nearest I can find with that tune is Aldi ???
I know it must be wrong as they don't mention Rock Salmon.
My dear old mum's favourite was "rock & chips" :-)
Is rock and chips a southern thing ?. I've never seen rock salmon on any of the menu's in the chippy's in my area.
It may well be, never seen it here in North West.
Rock salmon, also called rock eel, flake, and huss, is a dish popular in England.

The dish can be one of many species of small shark, including the spiny dogfish (Squalus acanthias) or the bull huss (Scyliorhinus stellaris).

Rock salmon is consumed in many European countries. However, the spiny dogfish is now an endangered species due to overfishing, and is classed as Vulnerable on the IUCN Red List[1] and the North East Atlantic population as Critically Endangered.[2]
We probably wouldn't like it then, Mamya ;-)
No, we have very sophisticated palates oop North - legs it!!

Maybe MT will find us the right advert.
My mum used to buy that (known as Huss in the south west). It was a fish with a spine through it if I remember rightly.
i have never liked fish but I can remember Rock and chips from my childhood (London) so maybe it was a southern dish.
Maybe it didn't travel well.
It used to be in every chippy down here - I've not been to one for a while, so don't know if it still sells as well as it did
Poor devil is endangered.
Maybe it's only caught in waters off southern England.
It used to be a cheap substitute for cod or haddock.
Its still available here in the south east. A few years ago rock eel or huss was every bit as popular here in the fish and chip shop as cod. People liked the fact that it had a central bone in the middle that you could eat too. Customers here now tend to go for cheaper meal alternatives.
It is the same price as cod in the fish and chip shop.
Bet Aldi aren't pleased...spending shed-loads on TV ads that viewers think is Lidl!
I just wish MT would show us the Ad with Rock Salmon it it.
I don't think I have ever seen rock salmon on sale in a chippy in Devon.

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