Boil A Microwave Pudding in The AnswerBank: Food & Drink
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Boil A Microwave Pudding

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hardy49 | 16:07 Mon 28th Dec 2015 | Food & Drink
7 Answers
Is it ok to boil a pudding meant to be microwaved ?
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What pudding, exactly?
I simmered our xmas pud on the stove and the instructions were to microwave. Pud came out ok.
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steak pudding
Like the frey bentos ones... think it'll be fine if done like a 'Boil in the bag' stuff... as your just warming it up.
Question Author
steak pudding
Yes, you can boil that - 20 minutes or so. I have seen this somewhere, I'll scour the internet and post you a link shortly
Yeah. Be a devil and do it.

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Boil A Microwave Pudding

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