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Christmas Dinner

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EcclesCake | 18:46 Tue 08th Nov 2016 | Food & Drink
56 Answers
No doubt I'm going to get flamed for this thread, but so what!

I'm trying to come up with something easy to prepare and manageable in terms of leftovers for just two of us.

I don't think we've ever had a classic Christmas meal and I'm lacking inspiration.

One idea is venison fillet with spiced red cabbage. Starter and pud, clueless.

Creative cooks what will you be serving, inspire me please!


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DTC! I think i've tasted it, but i''m fairly sure they are just a raw producer rather than an organic one.
I have suggested getting in an enormous Indian take away with loads of trimmings, freezing it and reheating it on Xmas day with left overs heated up on boxing day. After that eggs on toast......... himself is not impressed. He doesn't cook the bloody dinner.....sigh.
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A mountainous pile of Indian takeaway would be my ideal of heaven with all the salads and chutneys.
they are a lot 'creamier' in texture and more traditional than pasteurized....
About time you tried a classic Christmas dinner Eccles!
Hilarious. I read the other thread and went to youtube to see how it was done and stumbled on this gem to try.
Sorry wrong thread
lol, lunol, I was just wondering what a traditional Christmas dinner is, given how it has changed over the generations.....
Lol. Give it a climate changed UK in 20 years DTCwordfan.
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I think I might just have settled on a menu with the assistance of Islay.

Might need to kick my imagination into touch for canapés, but there's nowt wrong with family favourites in my book!
Glad I could help xx
Try the venison fillet with blackcurrant sauce. Saute mushrooms and onion and when soft add blackcurrant jam and red wine. I serve mine with parmesan vegetables and dauphinoise potatoes. Starters are easy. If you are having the venison you'll need something light like smoked salmon on thinly cut brown bread and butter. Pudding could be key lime pie - make biscuit base and chill. whisk tin of condensed milk, 200 g double cream and the zest and juice from 4 limes. plonk on top of biscuit base, chill and serve.
I have done Islay's tomato and chili icecream with both scallops and prawns to huge success. As dessert pomegranite panna cotta? Or amaretto and white chocolate terrine with plum coulis?
I've done a vodka sorbet before with a sprinkle of crispy red chillis on top
I am doing Christmas dinner on Sunday!
I would go for the venison and red cabbage ...

can I come round ? - - - I have wine ....
A nice venison recipe is delia s venison with port guineas and walnuts. Stuck it in the oven and forget it.
Guiness fgs. Am on my phone. Ab keeps crashing my lappy.
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I think I have settled on a menu... I think....

Roasted pears with Stilton ice cream and caramelised walnut, poncy leaves and dressing.

Scallops with Islays Bloody Mary dressing

Fillet of venison, spiced red cabbage, dauphinois potataoes and something green. Happily I have just found a tub of beef stock in the freezer so that is one less job to bother me.

Lemon or grapefruit posset with a spiced shortbread biscuit.

Peter, you are welcome although you frequently infuriate me you also intrigue me! Make sure the wine is bloody good though :-)
That pear starter sounds lush. Any chance of a recipe. Please?!!!!!!

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