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How Many Vegans Are On Here?

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ukanonymous | 13:19 Tue 17th Jan 2017 | Food & Drink
165 Answers
I recently learned about the animal industry and became Vegan about 6 months ago. Its horrific to learn about it. Also after you learn you somehow live in denial a bit until you make your mind up. But its sick and I feel cheated that I was lied to my whole life about where food comes from and how animals are treated. Then to connect to their suffering also takes time to adapt because of all this cognitive dissonance we have to live though.
so how many vegans are on here?


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//Also good luck trying to judge your ethics //

What about your ethnics?

What about all the animals that will go extinct if we become a world of vegans?

UK - Do you think saying things like 'chicken periods' will put people off?
I would still like for somebody to have a go at that question of mine, regarding free-range eggs and Vegans.

Also, can I presume that the first question is still unanswered....."How many Vegans on AB "
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I knew a so-called vegetarian who refused to wear leather shoes but who thought a sheepskin rug was fine "as an animal hadn't died"!!!!! Pig-ignorant!
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Mikey, to answer your question Vegans do not eat any animal byproducts. So no dairy, eggs or honey. Their thinking is milk is intended for the young, honey is food for winter sustenance and layers are slaughtered as soon as their egg production drops, layers rarely (if ever) see their second birthday.

Don't read too much into 'free range', all is not as it seems. Just because they have access to the outside world doesn't necessarily all the hens get to go outside due to poor access. Garden gate eggs or those labelled 'cruelty free' are a better option.
andrea waters - she was on sunday brunch showing some of the vegan recipes they use in their restaurant, she def does not look, ill, pale or pasty. these stereotypes are getting very old now...!

from a health perspective, i'd like to have the discipline to go vegan but i have no will power in the face of cheese/eggs/sausage
You might have to eat mushrooms too Fluff!

I was directed to the Liverpool Art Gallery restaurant by a friend. I was gobsmacked that they had omnivorous, vegan, vegetarian and pescetarian menus.
you will never get me eating funghi

tofu/nuts/veggies all fine, no need for the shrooms....
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uk - //Oh wait they cant run or be scared //

Obviously the 'running' part is a given, but the 'scared' part is not.

//Do you know beyond all doubt that plants do not feel fear or pain? Just because you can't hear them scream does not automatically mean that they don't.

Moral arguments are all well and good, but don't chase your quarry over a cliff - whether you intend eating its corpse or not.//

This made me chuckle its a standard reply from a meat eater dressed up in BBQ sauce. I haven't read or seen any proof that plants feel pain or are even self aware if you have any evidence of this please post it! I would love to read about scared onions, terrified lettuce and petrified parsnips. I really would. It is a well known fact that animals are scared and self aware hence we have this contradiction rubbish called animal rights.

Obviously this only really benefits domestic animals because they look cute - lol this is rubbish and it messes people up by cognitive dissonance. Pigs are even more intelligent than dogs and look what we do to them.

If plants experience pain (even if I suspected they do) I would certainly stick to nuts and other fruit. Until then I will stick the the presumption that plants are not self aware and feel no pain.
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//andrea waters - she was on sunday brunch showing some of the vegan recipes they use in their restaurant, she def does not look, ill, pale or pasty. these stereotypes are getting very old now...!

from a health perspective, i'd like to have the discipline to go vegan but i have no will power in the face of cheese/eggs/sausage//

The alternatives to cheese and sausage are amazing. It would be just sacrificing eggs and even if you cant sacrificing something saves lives. 1 vegan saves approx 900 animals per year by not eating meat.
'1 vegan saves approx 900 animals per year by not eating meat.'

Could you let us know where that fact comes from UKA?
1 vegan saves approx 900 animals per year by not eating meat.

09:24 Fri 20th Jan 2017

That must be the daftest thing I have ever read. It suggests that non vegans eat 900 animals per year, ludicrous.
Eccles....I always buy "garden gate" eggs if I can, for another reason other than ethics.....they taste better. I haven't bought cruelty eggs for at least 20 years.

I have read your explanation but if the hens are truly "free-range" in the manner than both of would agree on, then I still can't see any reason why vegans don't buy them.

I would still like a AB vegan too explain this if they can.

no animal or animal by products = vegan
eating animals or using/wearing animal by product = not vegan

does that make it clearer - I really don't see why you find it so difficult to understand....
It's not hard to understand, Mikey. As Fluff says NO animal products whatsoever. This even includes makeup.
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But if the hens don't die and they seem to live quite happily, I am still not sure what Vegans have against eating eggs. Apart from some daft self-indugent reason that is.

Here is their own definition Veganism, from their website ::::

"Veganism is a way of living which seeks to exclude, as far as is possible and practicable, all forms of exploitation of, and cruelty to, animals for food, clothing or any other purpose"

Anybody who has seen chickens scratching around a farmyard can see that they aren't in distress, nor are they being exploited. A friend of mine in Cornwall has a few rescued battery hens and they seem very content to me.
Mikey....It's because they are vegan. They don't eat or use any animal products.

Cows aren't hurt when being milked but vegans still don't don't drink milk.

Are you purposely pretending to not understand?

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