Panic Buying ? in The AnswerBank: Food & Drink
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Panic Buying ?

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Canary42 | 21:15 Fri 03rd Feb 2017 | Food & Drink
14 Answers
Old Joe Public (or his wife) will no doubt be out and about tomorrow stripping the supermarket vegetable shelves.

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There's always tinned peas!
Everything looked the same in Sainsburys today
I'll go to the outdoor market on Sunday. Hopefully, there will be local produce to buy.
Yes, Canary......My wife went to our local Tesco superstore earlier and said they were rationing lettuces down to 3 per person, so probably run out already.

If the media reports it, any shortages of whatever, be it petrol, bottled water in summer, bags of ice, or lettuce, in this case, are bound to bring on panic buying and soon run out almost everywhere.
No one wants three lettuces in one go!
There's no shortage of soap in the midlands :-)
who can get through 3 lettuces in one day???
Went shopping yesterday at Lidl and Morrison and they had plenty of everything. No one was bulk buying, I think it is the restaurants that are buying everything.
They could have a large 6ft rabbit called Harvey!....think he was a pooka actually

Madness I know, as they probably will go off and turn bad before you have a chance to use them.
I think the 3 lettuce rule is aimed at places like restaurants and cafes that can't get them from their usual suppliers.
I'm getting iceberg lettuce poisoning.
Ha ha, sounds just like the supermarkets before Christmas and New Year. Looking at some folk's trolleys you would think the shops were closing for a month instead of just a day. Of course they were maybe having very large parties - in which case, why wasn't I invited?
I rarely buy lettuce in the winter as salads are more appealing in the warmer weather for us. Just buy veg that it is in season - no problem! No shortages in Waitrose this morning.
No one want three lettuces in a go Tilly2? You must be joking. Around here the takeaway owners can often be seen buying a dozen lettuces or more at a time because Lidl and Aldi sell them cheaper than they can buy them wholesale. These guys are not alone either as I've seen the odd small shopkeeper doing the same.

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