I like very strong coffee, I do like Sons of Amazon, but my general perk is Sainsbury's Fair Trade Double Dark made in my Francis Francis, which I love to death.
Instant is Alta Rica as and when I have to have it.
My boyfriend was given some Death Wish but have to say it was vile.
I am not a coffee connoisseur but i do love a good brew. It's less about strength for me as even a #1 will get me out of bed but i love the taste and warmth a coffee can bring
My instant is douwe egberts but i need to try the dark one (indulgence) i really want to find a nutty (naturally) coffee.
Derek i like mcdonalds coffee. They use a good bean. Never tried a costa coffee (only their hot chocolates).
I like Columbian and usually get the Sainsburys fair trade beans, with the Gaggia set one below full strength. Whenever we go anywhere that has a Coffee Roasters we come away with several small packs of different beans to try.
Derek have you tried the Columbian in Costa Coffee, an extra 20p but an improvement on their standard brew.
Rich flavoured, fresh ground beans, in a cafetiere is fine. Strength about a four as I don't like the bitterness from espresso roasts. Instant, only if you hold a gun to my head and then I'd probably take a sip then let it go cold. Not from the major chains their blends are too bland. Been using Aldi's Italian roast beans lately they are ok but will treat myself to something better over Christmas.
In the UK just plain old Sainsbury's Gold Roast instant off the shelf
When I visited my late sister in Canada the first duty of my niece was to load and fire up a Black and Decker Filter machine (Never seen one in UK made by that Company. Ours is a Melitta). It was on the go all day until bed time.
Big Sis used to get in,specially for me, a bag of coffee beans from her local large supermarket which had a definite rum infusion. Here I limit myself to two mugs in the morning to kick start myself for the crosswords. Over in Canada I was drinking coffee all day:-)
The pods in my nespresso are ranging from 10 - 12. I love my coffee strong. I sometimes buy the syrups to make nutty cofffee and chocolate to make mochas!
I like the odd iced coffee (sweetened) and a decaf cappuccino about twice per year but that's enough for me. The caffeinated stuff makes me feel quite wired which can't be good.