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Mango ?

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SparklyKid | 12:21 Thu 04th Oct 2018 | Food & Drink
12 Answers
Some weeks ago on radio 4 food prog, they were discussing mangoes.

Just tried my first one, not bad, but are they worth the money


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Depends how much you like them.
Love 'em;-)). Yum yum.
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As it was my first attempt I had no idea whether or not I liked them,lol.
Mangoes are similar to apples in the sense that there are so many different varieties. A bramley cooking apple is totally different from a Braeburn or a Fuji etc etc. I have six different varieties of mango in my garden. Three are sweet mangoes and three are crunchy ones that are eaten with a sour dip.

Therefore your answer will depend entirely on which variety you have tried and what your taste is
Oh yes if they are really perfectly ripe. They have such a strong flavour one can go a long way in say a mousse or in a fruit salad bulked out with cheaper ingredients. I like them pureed over ice cream as a sauce.
I buy tinned mango pulp - much cheaper than the whole fruit if you want to make puree or as I do, make ice cream with it
OH my love them, Tesco sometimes do boxes of about 8 for £4 yummmmm
The best mangos I've tasted are from the halal shop.
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I may well be a convert, thanks for all the good info.
In the UK the Indian stores usually have the best and sweetest ones, and most come from Pakistan. They are sweeter than the South American varieties that also get exported to the UK. Generally look for the golden ones rather than the red and green ones, but even then there are differences between the golden ones also.
Tinned ones are handy to have in the cupboard too,

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