I bought a scotch egg in a farm shop yesterday. It was delicious. I got to thinking, have I ever had one hot. You know what, I have no idea if I have or not. If I fancy another one do I just heat it in the oven or maybe the microwave? Or are they not meant to be heated up?
I've only eaten them hot when they've been freshly cooked and the yolk is lovely and soft.
I wouldn't reheat a shop bought one unless there were instructions on the packet.
I've seen TV food shows create a fresh scotch egg that had a runny yolk when cut into. Don't recall details but egg must have been put in raw and then cooked with the sausage meat.
Cold is fine. Heat up a commercially bought cold one if you wish.
It's so obvious reading this thread but never thought about a warm/hot scotch egg. I've only had haggis whilst in Scotland... love it, and I've not had Black pudding for years... something that I always overlook and forget when shopping.
That reminds me, whilst in the farm shop I also bought some pork ginger and spring onion sausage. I just fancied it even though I've never had it before. I'm off to give it a go now. I'll let you know.