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Prawn Dish

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ummmm | 16:27 Sun 02nd Feb 2020 | Food & Drink
23 Answers
I can't remember the name. It's prawns cooked in sauce served in a shell topped with mash.

It has a French name

Something that ends with 'Jacks'

My nephew is coming home from Canada so I want to make it for him.


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coquilles st jacques very nice
16:28 Sun 02nd Feb 2020
coquilles st jacques

very nice
with a dry white - Lidl have a good selection at a moderate price

yum yum - er where do you live and when
I will bring - a decent bottle of white
It's been scallops when I've had it, not prawns.
it sounds like something that I would enjoy - depending on the sauce.
This is a traditional recipe but there are so many variations, you could incorporate prawns too.
It’s normally served with scallops but no reason why you can’t do it with prawns
PP is probably correct with his suggestion of Coquilles St Jacques but it's made with scallops, not prawns:

You can add prawns if you like though:
Coquilles is French for scallops - prawns are Crevettes.
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Thank you all.

I have scallops as well :-)
oops sozza
yes you are all right - scallops and not prawns ....
er I still want to come around when you do it
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I've made it before. It's lovely. Just forgot the name.

He's coming over in the summer with his Canadian GF. They'll be staying with us.

Any other Canadian recipes?
poutine - yum!
As I was the first to mention prawns can I come and test it??? Don't over cook the scallops or they'll go like bullets.
If you're splashing out on scallops for this you can then serve croque monsieur, basically toasted cheese and ham sarnies, add egg for croque madame.
Is he from the French part of Canada? If not, drizzle maple syrup over everything!
Coquilles St. Jacques - eve more delicious when made with scallops (you can buy cut-offs to make it cheaper) and a few prawns added.
A marriage made in Heaven is scallops with crispy-fried bacon bits...….YUUMMMMMY
When I visited my sister in Canada they ate the same as their neighbours in America. That was in Ontario. Totally uninspiring. I’ll ask my niece who visits this month if the Canadians in general actually have menus they call their own. Apart from steak/ burgers/ weiners they eat salmon
I'm going to try some Poutine now it's been pointed out, naughty but nice.
This French-Canadian meat pie is like something I used to make years ago. Not exactly summery, but I bet it would be good cold.
Poutine looks much like chips and gravy from the chippy with the addition of some mozzarella chunks.
The "traditional" recipe for poutine calls for white cheese curds.

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