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Trying To Lose A Little Weight

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andy-hughes | 17:46 Fri 05th Jun 2020 | Food & Drink
45 Answers
At 65, losing weight is not as easy as it was, so I will take any advice.

I like to eat a snack just before I go to bed, usually a bowl of cereal with sugar on, sometimes a small sandwich or a chocolate bar, or a couple of biscuits, always with a large mug of sugary tea.

I wonder if eating and then going to bed increases the chances of my snack turning to fat as I sleep.

If I dropped this habit, might it assist my weight loss?


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Sounds too much hard work, Pasta.
Yes please with a recipe, pasta.
I love a seeded bread as toast for my brekky, but I feel it is too carby.
I wonder why this post has not been moved to the Sub category of 'Weight Loss and Dieting'.A far more appropriate category imo. hey ho.
Because ED is probably at home now...
Andy; stop eating snacks; especially just before you go to bed. Learn to live without sugar. Your salvation is within your hands.
These are the crackers. I just use pumpkin, sunflower, sesame and flax as that's what I have. Less water, whatever seasoning you fancy. Makes about 24.

I have to hunt for the bread recipe.'s work ummmm, but sometimes I get a lot of pleasure out of going it...especially now.
This is the bread recipe...

I don't eat nuts, so I just add more seeds. Last time I made it, I didn't have the physillium came out fine. It's a recipe that can be messed with. The bread is very, VERY dense. Nothing fluffy about it.
PS...I don't use the maple syrup either.
Since you are intending to be asleep soon, isn't that meal more one of habit than of necessity ? Try cutting it out. Every little helps.
No response from all the advice that was given to AH nearly 20 hours ago.
Perhaps willpower and self restraint from Bunteresque midnight feasts were not what AH wanted to read. :-)
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retrocop - // Lol
No response from all the advice that was given to AH nearly 20 hours ago.
Perhaps willpower and self restraint from Bunteresque midnight feasts were not what AH wanted to read. :-) //

I wouldn't call a bowl of cereal or a sandwich 'Bunteresque' by any means!

But I actually waited a reasonable time to respond, having read from people who want to respond, and to all of you - including you retrocop - thank you for your input, I shall digest it all later (groan!)
Regardless of what time you eat, try dumping at least half the intake of sugar, I found a good start to be tea and cereal, leaving biscuits and chocolate as a reward for doing so, if your to harsh with cutting back there's a good chance you will fail.
Teacake...cereal is just about as bad as biscuits. Still converts to sugar in the body. Well it's the same ingredients with a few added vitamins. (that's because all the vitamins are removed in the processing)
18.15 I don't dispute what you say, my advice was to dump as much sugar as possible. Andy puts sugar on top of the cereal.
Dumping sugar in favour of biscuits and chocolate. Mmm. A interesting theory.
Try reading the idea in more detail Zac, either that or may be consider a short break away from AB, it may improve your ability to understand apposed to instant sarcastic remarks.
If cutting out the bedtime snack is a step too far for you, try a two stage approach. Buy some fruit in your next shop and replace the snack with a satsuma or half a dozen grapes. Not too much fruit mind. Maybe a small cup of unsweetened hot skimmed milk.

After a while you'll find it easier to cut out the snack altogether.
To lose weight, really it's best not to eat anything after 8pm and it's best not to drink caffeinated drinks too late either, as they'll stimulate your brain and contribute to waking early to visit the toilet!

Eat protein for breakfast - eggs are best. Bacon/sausage is 'okay' as long as it's grilled. You can eat as many tinned or fresh tomatoes as you like with this meal. If not, after the eggs, eat as much fresh fruit as you like. Bananas are great for energy, potassium and magnesium. You only need 5 raisins to be classed as one of your "5 a day"!

For lunch, a baked potato with beans/coleslaw is a good filling meal. The beans give protein and sugars. The potato has a good quantity of vitamin C just under the skin and is a brilliant source of complex carbo, which will fill you up for longer.

If you are a fan of fried foods, please invest in an 'actifry'. I have the Tefal one, but there are loads on the market now. I cook chips in it using only a tablespoon of oil and they are delicious. Sausages are cooked from frozen and need no fat at all. Chicken can be cooked in it as well - best to cook it with the skin on, for moisture and flavour, but remove the skin before eating it, as there's a huge amount of fat in the skin. I used to say that the skin was the best bit, but after not eating it for a while, I tried a small piece and found it quite revolting!

As a 'snack', if you must indulge after 8pm, try anything with turkey, lettuce or bread. Turkey has dopamine and lettuce contains laudanum which both contribute to sleep. If you like honey, it's a good sweet treat for later on in the day. Honey has enzymes and pollens which help with all sorts of ailments, whilst you sleep. It will also help with any sugar cravings - I have it in coffee instead of sugar and it's rather tasty!
ps Dark chocolate is best. If you don't like it, try to find a substitute. Biscuits contain a lot of fat, so try to avoid them if possible. It's all very hard at first, but worth the effort. I never put butter on bread for a sandwich any more. Putting scrapings of mustard, worcester sauce, etc improves flavours for the sandwich filling. Even tomato ketchup is better, but contains sugar. I know - you can't win, can you?
Is your late night snacking just a habit, Andy, or are you actually peckish? I ask because I got into the habit of having a glass of water if I got peckish late at night. Tricks the body just long enough to enable sleep to come. then breakfast as soon as you rise. Also, educate your body to expect much less sugar. I don't have any sugar on my cereals, just some fruit.

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