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mallyh | 16:33 Tue 19th Oct 2021 | Food & Drink
52 Answers
i'm weird because i love spam fritters ,iceland do a 4 pack which are delicious ,do you like them x


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Stop nicking my links you.
What section of the freezers in Iceland are they in please.? I love Spam Fritters.
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cleo down the burger isle x
Note to Spam eaters - the war is over.
Nowt wrong with Spam. It's very high in saturated fat and salt but tastes okay. Corned beef is much healthier with far more protein and less fat and salt.
Strangely, the Iceland Fritters seem to be healthier than plain tinned Spam by weight.
I don't think you're weird Mally, different and amusing I'd agree with;-/
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:-) xx
People think I'm mad because I still very much enjoy a chitterling sandwich, with salt and mustard.
I've just googled chitterlings. I feel ill
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barry just googled them they look like something they would eat on the food trial in i'm a celeb x
I had to google chitterling Barry.
Yep, you're mad, to quote TTT, End of...
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my mum would eat dripping on toast ugh!!!!!
I was brought up eating them every Saturday, every butcher sold them. My kids eat them too, with the exception of my vegan daughter.
You've eaten parts of the intestine if you are sausages as a child - the skin.
Don't knock it till you've tried it
As a kid I would fight my siblings to get the best bits of dripping Mally.
Breakfast was rather lean in my family.
When I was young, etc, etc,
In the second world war it was illegal to peel your potatoes, because of food waste. Doesn't mean we can't now, and for similar reasons there is no need to eat offal.
Still use dripping and would eat it in toast with salt.
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mum always liked the jelly bit ugh!!!
If it was illegal to peel potatoes how on earth did housewives make potato peel pie during the war?
My grandmother fed the peelings to the pig and chickens in the back yard during the war.
The jelly bit is the best bit, mally.
There is only one reason I eat any food - because I like it.
I don't think it was illegal to peel potatoes, just illegal to throw away the peelings. As a young boy in the late 1940s I remember "pig-bins" which were there for you to put vegetable peelings in. As slightly older boys we used to put 3d bangers in them just before bonfire night and blow the lids off.

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