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Minced Steak.

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zabado | 13:00 Fri 04th Feb 2022 | Food & Drink
22 Answers
I cooked a large batch of of fresh minced steak with onions and I froze 3 large portions of it. If I now de-frost and make a minced steak pie can I re-freeze part of it to eat at at later date. My freezer is set to -24 degrees.


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Advice is not to, but I probably would.
I would too not knowing if it had been frozen previous to purchase
You can freeze raw meat then defrost it and cook it and freeze again - but that's it. Once the cooked meat is thawed, no more freezing.
You have your freezer set very low; the recommended temperature is -18 deg.
I would refreeze cooked mince but not any raw that was left.
No, I wouldn't.
I would.
I wouldbut make smaller pies to freeze whole.
Do you mean can you freeze part of the cooked pie?
You can freeze it again once cooked but not raw a second time.
I freeze mince and often Thaw and cook with onions and make a basic mince, Which I then freeze again in foil trays. The foil trays hold enough to make 2 days dinners by adding appropriate ingredients. We eat half on the day made and put the rest in a foil tray tor another meal. Label and freeze as a ready meal. Have done this for years. We don't eat just mince and onions as a meal ever. Anyway we are still alive and never had food poisoning.
Cooked food should be left to cool a little and frozen as soon possible and should never be left to cool completely before freezing.

I only have fresh meat and fish in the fridge enough for two days, apart from whole chickens with a long use by date. Everything else is frozen.
// a large batch of fresh minced steak and onions// translated to me as already cooked. Every time a food is defrosted and reheated, there is a chance of bacteria multiplying in that food. You'd need to be absolutely scrupulous about defrosting, heating, and then cooling that food. Personally, I wouldn't.
This article might help...
Lottie...cooked food should be completely cooled quickly before freezing. In a pan of cold water is one method.
Not what I was told Pasta, I have always put in the fridge when is cooled down a bit and transferred to freezer afterwards. Never had any problems. I've only had food poisoning once - from shrimps in Portugal.
Oh that sounds fine long as it's done quickly.
While everyone else is squabbling, I'll simply refer you to the NHS website.

"You can refreeze cooked meat and fish once, as long as they have been cooled before going into the freezer. If in doubt, do not refreeze."


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