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Should I

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Vagus | 19:39 Sun 06th Feb 2022 | Food & Drink
20 Answers
Try to convince myself that I really don’t want any more of the delicious medjool dates I’ve just eaten half a dozen of? Or should I give in, eat a few more and then a couple of chocolate digestives too??


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No, no, leave the choccie bikkies alone. You don't wanna be sick!!!
Give in. In fact crush the biscuits, cover with dates and put cream on top!
I gave in and let myself eat a couple of easy-peel oranges, then a couple more and then finished them off.

The next morning I had a sore tummy and then spent many hours in the bathroom.

Be careful!!
Look at it this way:
You might drop dead from a heart attack in a few minute's time. It would be silly to waste those few minutes, wouldn't it?
No give them to a foodbank their need is greater.
Eat them and spend your night on the loo praying for forgiveness.
Make a date sandwich with the chocolate biscuits whilst you decide.
There were people on the Titanic who waved away the sweet trolley.
Dates are nice with cheese. I would head to the fridge and grab a chunk
I'm having trouble trying to think of a fruit,dried or fresh, that doesn't go nice with cheese.
You only live once.
Actually, thinking about it, I've just remembered.
Dates are horrible.
Especially when she's an old hag
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Dates with cheese sound lovely, I think Roquefort would be particularly nice given the sweet/salty thing which I love.
I gave in and ate three more dates, no biscuits...
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Wolf, I’m a sucker for easy peelers too, probably eat four of them on an average day, plus grapes, plus dates, plus whatever veg. I have cast iron insides.
Are there any left that you can send to me? I LOVE medjool dates. I took a large box of them with me when I went to my daughter's over Christmas. I ate all of them...they don't like them.
Save some for a sticky toffee pudding.
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Pasta, there are some Sainsburys extra special ones left, but also a whole huge box, unopened as yet, we bought in Costco last week. I’m trying very hard to limit myself as I find them almost irresistible and know they’re full of (natural) sugar.
Much as I like sticky toffee pud, I prefer just these juicy, sticky, succulent dates.
Oh dear, that’s me done for this evening :/
You will end up eating the biscuits if you are anything like me as once it's planted in the mind........ :-)
I tried the Sainsbury's ones...disappointed to see "previously frozen".

I have a recipe somewhere for brownies made with dates instead of sugar...I must try it sometime.
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Good lord pasta, I’d not noticed that, just had a look & you’re right. Mind you they still taste lovely and are very sticky and luscious, they don’t appear to have suffered from being frozen so it won’t stop me buying them.

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