Who Goes To The Boozer To Count The Calories On Beer? in The AnswerBank: News
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Who Goes To The Boozer To Count The Calories On Beer?

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youngmafbog | 15:56 Fri 31st Mar 2023 | News
41 Answers
Honestly, I know most politicians are out of touch with the public these days but this one is taking the biscuit.
"shadow health minister Liz Kendall suggested beer pumps should display the number of calories in a pint."

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Nowt wrong with that idea, you can ignore a little label on a beer tap if you're not interested.
Wetherspoons has been putting the calories on their food menus for years - long before it was a legal requirement - and the roof didn't fall in.
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Food isnt beer.

And its not just the little label. Firstly there will be a cost associated with it, not doubt have to be tested regularly and a whole industry will grow to support it. And who do you think will pay for that?

And Beer is not the same as food is it?
The Food Standards Agency regulates alcoholic beverages so I think they would disagree that beer is not food.
They have to show the ABV, it really would be no big deal.
Just because some agency regulates something does not make it so. We all know beer is not food.
Seems fair enough to me. If trying to change weight it's very useful to know what size hit you're about to give your daily calorie limit. Anyone not interested need to check it.
Can't see a problem with it, although the more you drink the less you probably care about the calories.
Alcohol is like that :-)
Good idea it would give the customer summit to read when they are prolonging the time drinking it as they decide can they really afford another wan .
... need not check ...
one has to have some extra value given the price of a good ale these days.
Is TCL taking over from jno as AB’s official contrarian?

Just askin’

The fact of the matter is anybody ordering a pint at the jump will not give a tinker’s cuss about the calorific content.
Most beer drinkers know heavy and dark beer is more fattening than lighter lower alcohol ones. But it won't change drinking habits. However the effect of alcohol in terms of calorie amnesia in terms of snacks and post booze kebabs is far more significant.... Bag of crisps, or scratchings, eight pints later yeah I could really go a curry/chinese/kebab with all the trimmings ...
Liz Kendall for PM!!
Ok a bit ott!
Great idea! What's the harm in it?
Btw it won't affect me cuz when i visit blighty, i struggle to knock back 1 1/2 pints a day! and that's with a meal!
The Portman Group won't like that.
They'd want any such information printed in silver coloured ink on a light background.
A doner kebab after a pub session is ambrosia.

"Just chilli sauce please Mehmet."
A doner kebab after a pub session is ambrosia.

"Just chilli sauce please Mehmet."
DD; Now you're seeing double!
Had a couple* of cheeky ones on the way home from work, and now thanks to rowanwith I can’t get a kebab out of my mind.

*for ‘couple’ read more than two.

(For some reason that I can’t fathom when I post from my laptop it posts twice).
In The Food Safety Act 1990, the definition of food used for that Act is that used in Regulation ( EC ) No. 178/2002.

That Regulation states,

"For the purposes of this Regulation
***‘Food’ includes drink,*** chewing gum and any substance, including water, intentionally incorporated into the food during its manufacture, preparation or treatment." (emphasis added)
Take it one step further:
Lakeside Darts Championship and the caller shouts "Andrew, you need half a pint of Brewdog (that's 146 kcals). Raymond, you need half a pint of Guinness (that's 105 kcals).
All in the good cause of educating the jolly, beer-swigging crowd!
What a load of twaddle.

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