licencing laws in The AnswerBank: Food & Drink
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licencing laws

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robinson | 14:21 Mon 07th Oct 2002 | Food & Drink
4 Answers
do I need a licence to sell alcohol in bulk
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Depends whether you want to physically stock it or not and what quantity you want to sell. Reckon the easiest way's to set yourself up as a broker and just buy and sell while leaving the alcohol at the distilleries. Try http://www.hmce.gov.uk/ and they might help


If you sell wine in quantities of a minimum of a case (12 bottles or 9 litres) you do not need a license.

I agree with Pinotage if Robinson wants to sell in cases but I read "bulk" to mean large quantities i.e. drums, IBC's, tankers etc. and that comes under a different scheme. If we knew what bulk means then we could help a bit more

In short, yes you do...however much the amount is


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