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food bills

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carly1 | 21:56 Mon 09th Jan 2006 | Food & Drink
4 Answers

hi i think i may of posted on the wrong section before. was wondering how much people spend on shopping per week ? there are 7 of us 4 are teens, we seem to spend around 200 per week . im just curious! thanks alot




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Sounds about right if just a touch on the high side.
I think �20 per person per week is enough.
I find that its not usually the food that pushes the bill up its toothbrushes , washing powder etc.
If i shop in Morrisons its about �30 for me , my wife and a 3 year old and then another �10 on bits throughout the week. If i go to sainsburys its about �40.
I bet there is loads of junk in the house with 4 teens?
i spend �70 per week for me and my partner and that includes the food i have to buy especially for my son. it can be more if i need washing powder and the like so i try to get those in the cash and carry!

In my household there is just me and my fiance and we spend about �120 every 6 weeks! We only do a big shop every 6 weeks or so and then obviously we have to buy bits and bobs in the time between, eg: bread, milk, fresh fruit and veg. Total bill for 6 weeks though probably wouldn't be more than �200 for both of us. We buy Tesco Value for a lot of stuff, except meat - my fiance will pretty much each all the rest of it so that's why our bill is quite low.

There are four of us in our house. Two adults, a hungry one year old and a picky two year old. We spend about 90-100 per week. Usually we will have one biggy a month , about 120 quid and one cheapy, about 60 quid though that is rare. We don't buy ready meals and spend a FORTUNE on fruit.


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