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1 More Guinness 0% Thread

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piggynose | 13:39 Fri 20th Sep 2024 | Food & Drink
5 Answers

Spoons are now treating Guinness 0% as a soft drink.

So with every meal deal the Guinness 0% is the same price as a glass of coke or lemonade!! 

Bonus!! Quids in!!



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only problem being you have to go to spoons!

May be worth tying next time I'm there.


The curries and draught beer ain't bad there. Granted the noise and uncleaned tables are a bit off-putting, as is trying to find a free table if busy.

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Are you a bit of a snob bed(s)nobs?

i dont think so.  My local spoons is rank

So you are happy with Spoons this week? 

Last week they were fiddling scumbags.

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