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Name A Dish/Food/Meal That You Just Cannot Cook Or Perfect!

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Smowball | 17:32 Sun 22nd Sep 2024 | Food & Drink
41 Answers

Up until today mine was poached eggs! No matter what I did they either came out uncooked or hard boiled lol. Gave up even trying them. Till I found this method online lastnight, tried it today and hey presto- perfect poached eggs! 
So what is your food demon!??

( BTW for the eggs - 3-4 inches water in saucepan,bring to full simmer, then turn down to  low simmer. Add tbsp white vinegar to water - to set the whites. Crack egg into cup then slide slowly into water. Repeat with as many eggs as you need. Put lid on, turn heat off and leave for exactly 4 mins. Lift cooked eggs out of water!)



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