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Cooking Porridge In A Slow Cooker Overnight.

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dave50 | 16:14 Tue 24th Sep 2024 | Food & Drink
11 Answers

Does anyone know the best way to do this. My wife and I are fancying a bowl of porridge ready to eat on a morning. 



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Would take about three hours on timer setting.  Much quicker to do in microwave (if you have one) - 5 minutes, stirring half way through.

On BBC Morning Live this morning, they were showing porridge being cooked in a slow cooker for seven or eight hours overnight, ready to be served up for breakfast.

I cook it the BBC way with jumbo oats.  The second link if for uncooked, cold overnight oats.  

That's what I do, Wiltsman.  It's often in the slow cooker longer than that but it does get stirred as soon as I get up.

I soak my organic  oats plus nuts and chia seeds overnight in oat milk. That way it only needs a couple of minutes ( instead of the recommended  7 minutes which would just mean it boils over) in the microwave. Add some fruit and Greek yoghurt and maybe a blob of peanut or almond butter. Stir, eat and enjoy. Lovely.

And cleaning the bowl afterwards is easy. None of the mess you get from porridge cooked on the hob.

Barry @16:31....oops! That's what I get for jumping in without reading thoroughly

I don't own any gadgets.

Every night B4 bed I tend to cook bung my porridge into a saucepan with the milk of yr choice, sprinkle of cinnamon, and small handful of on the gas, Cook to it's boiling, turn off gas. Put lid o

Next morning just put on medium gas, quick stir. Cook for 2 or 3 mins. Job done !!

Sorry for typos. But some strange reason, my keyboard is delaying the letters I've typed for me to see for about 15 secs a letter. Arrrrgghhh

Oat milk is just the fluid from oats soaked in water. My wife and I make our porridge with water but my oldsters have it made with full fat milk.  I can get two Pyrex dishes in my slow cooker, more than enough for the four of us.

Flahavans Organic two minutes microwave.

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